Creation of Money (2021) 图画 由 Toro Teodoro

标记在帆布上, 12.6x17.7 in
价格: 免费送货
发货地: 法国 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在1周
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最大分辨率: 3049 x 2447 px

卖家 Toro Teodoro

In "Creation of Money," I reimagined the classic fresco of the Creation of Adam by replacing the divine figures with Scrooge McDuck and Mr. Monopoly, exchanging a dollar bill instead of a divine breath. This painting is a bold commentary on our contemporary obsession with wealth. Surrounding this scene, you will discover symbols[...]
In "Creation of Money," I reimagined the classic fresco of the Creation of Adam by replacing the divine figures with Scrooge McDuck and Mr. Monopoly, exchanging a dollar bill instead of a divine breath. This painting is a bold commentary on our contemporary obsession with wealth.

Surrounding this scene, you will discover symbols of vice and society, such as pop culture, the economy, America, champagne, and Hollywood. This work captures a part of my soul, created after a profound personal experience, reminding us of the fleeting nature of life.

"Creation of Money" is much more than a canvas; it is an artistic meditation on the human condition, infused with depth and irony.


Street ArtPoscaMoney

I am Toro, a constantly evolving artistic soul.  My 36 years of life have been an endless creative journey, a pilgrimage where I've given free rein to my imagination since my earliest childhood.[...]

I am Toro, a constantly evolving artistic soul. 

My 36 years of life have been an endless creative journey, a pilgrimage where I've given free rein to my imagination since my earliest childhood. My path hasn't followed the conventional routes of art but rather the winding trails of experimentation and practice.

At the core of my artistic being lies drawing, a passion that has driven me since childhood. However, my artistic world is a kaleidoscope of expressions. I define myself as a complete artist, delving into fascinating explorations as an actor, clown, and even a ventriloquist. Each of my works is a unique representation of the creative process that corresponds to that moment in my life, with each creation being a unique color on the palette of my creativity.

These multiple facets provide me with a vast playground to express my emotions and ideas, and each of them is an important step in my artistic journey, a constant evolution. My artistic journey is an endless odyssey where I continue to discover new horizons and reinvent myself. I aspire to inspire other creative minds to embrace the beauty of art in all its forms, to follow their own artistic journey, and to push the boundaries of the imagination.

查看更多的Toro Teodoro

丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x23.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 14.6x17.7 in
标记在帆布上 | 17.7x12.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 21.7x17.7 in

