Bob Marley Charcoal (230x150) (2022) Zeichnungen von Steeven Shaw

Kohle auf Papier, 90,6x59,1 in
19.177 $   16.177 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkauft von Steeven Shaw
Versand aus: Mauritius (Rohr) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
*****You Make Your Offer or Ask Custom Work*****.................. This type of Art is an immensely difficult medium to master, physically & emotionally. Takes 150-300 hours+ to complete, depends on the details. ✍️............... Robert Nesta Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician.[...]
*****You Make Your Offer or Ask Custom Work*****.................. This type of Art is an immensely difficult medium to master, physically & emotionally. Takes 150-300 hours+ to complete, depends on the details. ✍️...............

Robert Nesta Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician. Considered one of the pioneers of reggae, his musical career was marked by fusing elements of reggae, ska, and rocksteady, as well as his distinctive vocal and songwriting style. Marley's contributions to music increased the visibility of Jamaican music worldwide, and made him a global figure in popular culture for over a decade. Over the course of his career, Marley became known as a Rastafari icon, and he infused his music with a sense of spirituality.

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Biography: Transforming Pain into Beauty Self-Taught Fine Art Photographer with more than 15 years of experience and Web Developer. Drawing since Nov 2019 and worked for more than 25 French Fashion Agencies[...]

Biography: Transforming Pain into Beauty

Self-Taught Fine Art Photographer with more than 15 years of experience and Web Developer. Drawing since Nov 2019 and worked for more than 25 French Fashion Agencies for 8 years.

My artistic journey has been shaped by trials that could have easily shattered my creative spirit. At the age of 6, I lost my pillar, my guide, my father, in a tragic motocycle accident. Losing a parent is losing a part of you and that’s very painful. This early loss cast a dark shadow over my childhood, confronting me with the brutal reality of life’s fragility.

Loss of Friend and Pain of Divorce:
As I grew, life wasted no time in presenting me with other heartbreaking challenges. The loss of my best friend, a faithful companion through life’s ups and downs, left a deep void in my already wounded heart. And then, there was the divorce, another emotional storm that shook the foundations of my life, followed by the loss of my dog a few days later.

Artistic Awakening:
It was in this whirlwind of tumultuous emotions that I found my refuge, my outlet – art. The pencil became my silent voice to express unspeakable pain, while photography became my way of capturing fleeting moments of beauty and joy in a sometimes dark and disorderly world.

Transformation through Creativity:
Yet, amidst these trials, I found the strength to keep creating. Each pencil stroke was a catharsis, a release of the anxiety and sadness weighing on me. Each snapshot captured by my lens was a tribute to life’s fragile beauty, a reminder that even in the deepest darkness, there is always light to be found.

Seeking Healing:
Through my art, I began to find healing. Each piece was a step towards inner peace, a means of transforming pain into something beautiful and inspiring. Stark landscapes and moving faces became my companions, guiding me through life’s storms to shores of calm and serenity.

A Legacy of Hope:
Today, my art is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of creativity to heal the wounds of the soul. Through my pencil drawings and photographs, I share my journey with the world, offering a glimmer of hope to those going through dark times.

Artistic Heritage:
Through my work, I hope to inspire others to embrace their own artistic journey, to find strength in adversity and beauty in imperfection. I firmly believe in the power of art to heal, transform, and transcend the limits of human existence.

My artistic journey is a symphony of raw emotions and unexpected beauty, a journey of transformation through pain and loss. Whether in the shadows of pencil or in the light of my photographs, I find the strength to keep creating, inspiring, and sharing the beauty I find in this complex and wonderful world.

Mehr von Steeven Shaw

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