Untitel (Urban-S) (2024) 绘画 由 Skylor Timeless

标记在纸上, 11.8x7.9 in
价格: 免费送货
发货地: 德国 (管) 在2天
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Darstellung: Urbane Malerei die leicht an den Streetstyle Ende der 80er, Züge aus dem Graffiti dezente Charakterliche Züge aus dem Early-Punk. Zu sehen ist ein Verfallen, Rostiges Trio. Material: Maker, Bleistift, Kohle, Brush, Maker-Pen's, Pfilzstift. Technik: Diese Ausarbeitungs-Art ist was ganz eines mit eigenen[...]
Darstellung: Urbane Malerei die leicht an den Streetstyle Ende der 80er, Züge aus dem Graffiti dezente Charakterliche Züge aus dem Early-Punk.
Zu sehen ist ein Verfallen, Rostiges Trio.

Material: Maker, Bleistift, Kohle, Brush, Maker-Pen's, Pfilzstift.

Technik: Diese Ausarbeitungs-Art ist was ganz eines mit eigenen Still.
Hier wurde durch die Symbolische Variation von Pfilzstift, Bleistift, Maker-Pen und insbesondere Brush-Pens.
Durch die Wild geführten Linien per (Brush-Pens) wurden ganz eigene Charakterzüge in dieser Malerei Manifestiert.



always interested in art and painting, my passion is art, literature, music and the many impressions of cities and nature. Always a night person and the many sides of the night, especially the lights[...]

always interested in art and painting,
my passion is art, literature, music and the many impressions of cities and nature.
Always a night person and the many sides of the night, especially the lights of the city and the tranquility of nature and long nightly walks through small sleepy villages of great nature and also the mysticism like the wild side of the night and sinking into bars for all these impressions help me to process a lot and give me great impressions for my art, all my works are created almost exclusively at night in my little oasis of peace and creativity, here is my easel, my colored materials, my aquarium and most importantly my coffee machine, then I paint nights Lang likes to listen to music or the literary quartet, especially the very old repetitions, and I'm completely in my world, no annoying crowds, no superficial conversations, no loud, hectic melee camps.
a lot of shit in my life, which was still quite young, a lot of sadness, a lot of sorrow and a lot of wrong experience, but also a lot of good things and it gets better, stay true to yourself, helpfulness and loyalty is important.
very important no matter what everyone tells you, have your own dream and live it.

Because of my very own style of working paper into canvas, a few people became aware of me and that encouraged.

查看更多的Skylor Timeless

丙烯在亚麻帆布上 | 31.5x23.6 in
标记在纸上 | 15.8x19.7 in
木炭在纸上 | 7.9x11.8 in
铅笔在纸上 | 11.8x7.9 in

