The North Venice of The Three Revolutions (2022) Malerei von Pavel Korzukhin

Bleistift auf Karton, 15,8x35,4 in
5.681,85 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Kundenrezensionen (2)
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27,02 $
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100,51 $
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Verkäufer Pavel Korzukhin

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Auf Holzplatte montiert
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 5 Sammlungen
This lyrical composition is an associative collage, spontaneously composed of images typical of St. Petersburg. The picture is lyrical and ironic at the same time, because the author cannot relate to imperial pathos without irony. Эта лирическая композиция представляет собой ассоциативный коллаж, спонтанно составленный из характерных для[...]
This lyrical composition is an associative collage, spontaneously composed of images typical of St. Petersburg. The picture is lyrical and ironic at the same time, because the author cannot relate to imperial pathos without irony.

Эта лирическая композиция представляет собой ассоциативный коллаж, спонтанно составленный из характерных для Санкт-Петербурга образов. Картина лирическая и ироничная одновременно, потому что автор не может относится к имперскому пафосу без иронии.

Verwandte Themen


Automatisch übersetzt
The expression of the author's concept is the position of an active observer. The display of the paradoxes of modern life is reproduced both in aesthetic forms and in the technique of performing works[...]

The expression of the author's concept is the position of an active observer. The display of the paradoxes of modern life is reproduced both in aesthetic forms and in the technique of performing works of art. Total stylistic eclecticism and a mixture of images of mutually exclusive traditions, along with a mixture of polar ideas and forms of reality, are corrected by the author's vision of harmony. Art turns into a total collage. The photographed image can be transformed in a digital editor, printed on a physical plane and finalized into a three-dimensional colorful relief, suddenly becoming an element of a spontaneous composition, the theme of which is dictated by the very current moment. The content is not of key importance, since everyone has their own. The main thing is the spirit communicated by the work, it is the content. The process of constant restructuring of reality is fixed. For a conventional unit of time, it, reality, breaks up into countless fragments and is reassembled again. Quotes, associations, parodies, graphics of a painterly stroke, the sound of a musical pause, the flow of a frozen moment ... The most abstract concept is "border". Water-soluble acrylic perfectly interacts with oil, putty with paper, wire with cotton wool. The purpose of creativity is to harmonize reality, since harmony contributes to the achievement of primordial inner silence. And this silence is both the background and the content of the process of universal creation. Connecting to this process contributes to health and longevity, helping to consciously move into eternity. Thus, works of authorship are pauses of a continuous moment.

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