F*ck (2022) 绘画 由 Pabbou

丙烯在帆布上, 39.4x39.4 in
价格: 免费送货
卖家 Pabbou
发货地: 法国 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在1周
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" Welcome to a piece that refuses to whisper, a bold, unapologetic proclamation titled "F*ck". This painting is not merely an artwork but a fierce statement of rebellion and unbridled expression. The vibrant fluorescent colors splashed across the canvas do not just sit quietly; they scream, they revolt, they demand attention.
" Welcome to a piece that refuses to whisper, a bold, unapologetic proclamation titled "F*ck". This painting is not merely an artwork but a fierce statement of rebellion and unbridled expression. The vibrant fluorescent colors splashed across the canvas do not just sit quietly; they scream, they revolt, they demand attention.

In the creation of "F*ck", I have embraced the raw, visceral power of language and the vibrant defiance of neon hues to craft a visual spectacle that encapsulates the tumultuous energy of dissent. The neon pinks and electric oranges blaze against the night-sky blues and stark blacks, a chromatic symphony that is both jarring and beautiful. This contrast is not just visual; it's emotional, reflecting the ebbs and flows of passion and the sudden shocks of reality.

The painting is a maelstrom of color and motion, embodying the chaos of thought and the fury of a voice that yearns to be heard. The deliberate drips and dynamic slashes of paint across the canvas create a sense of movement and urgency, as if the very essence of protest is bubbling to the surface.

With "F*ck", I seek to channel the spirit of the counterculture, the voice of the streets, the raw edge of graffiti that has always been the pulse of the voiceless and the canvas of the misunderstood. This artwork is for those who resonate with the intense vibrancy of raw emotion, for the ones who find beauty in the unrefined, and for those who understand that art can be a scream just as much as it is a sonnet.

In every splattered dot and every chaotic streak, "F*ck" is an unfettered declaration of individuality, a celebration of the freedom to feel, to express, and to be unashamedly vivid in a world that often favors the muted. This is not just a painting; it's an act of defiance, a splash of brilliance in the face of the gray, and a vibrant battle cry for the bold.



Né d'une passion pour les histoires que chaque ville raconte, le travail de PABBOU est plus qu'un simple art ; c'est un dialogue entre le spectateur et le rythme vibrant de la vie urbaine. À[...]

Né d'une passion pour les histoires que chaque ville raconte, le travail de PABBOU est plus qu'un simple art ; c'est un dialogue entre le spectateur et le rythme vibrant de la vie urbaine. À travers une combinaison de couleurs vives, de textures dynamiques et de détails complexes, chaque pièce devient une fenêtre sur l'âme d'une ville, reflétant son atmosphère, sa culture et son énergie uniques.

L'une des séries emblématiques de PABBOU est la collection "This is...", un hommage aux villes qui ont laissé une empreinte durable sur le parcours créatif de l'artiste. De l'éclat électrique de "This is Ibiza" au rythme palpitant de "This is Miami", chaque tableau est un hommage à la ville qu'il représente, capturant son essence d'une manière à la fois profonde et personnelle. Ces œuvres mettent non seulement en valeur la polyvalence de PABBOU en tant qu'artiste, mais témoignent également de la connexion profonde entre lieu et expression.


丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in

