Sympathy (2021) Malerei von Elena Naritsyna

Acryl auf Leinwand, 7,9x7,9 in
480,17 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Kundenrezensionen (3)
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14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Digitale Lizenzierung

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32,69 $
130,76 $
272,43 $
Maximale Auflösung: 8268 x 8268 px
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Verkäufer Elena Naritsyna

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Bereit zum Aufhängen
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
I usually like to assemble my arts as puzzles – simple to complex and viсe versa. In this arts series I’m thinking of feelings diversity. Why do we feel one or another emotion? Why do we react on the same situation in a different way? That’s why I decided to «decompose» my feelings. First we see the world through the eyes of our parents.[...]
I usually like to assemble my arts as puzzles – simple to complex and viсe versa.
In this arts series I’m thinking of feelings diversity. Why do we feel one or another emotion? Why do we react on the same situation in a different way? That’s why I decided to «decompose» my feelings.
First we see the world through the eyes of our parents. They are the ones who set our behavior model, point of view and the way of perception. Then school and friends affect – our consciousness expands and enriches with new experience and behavior patterns. Getting older we also have to add the burden of responsibility and opinions of others to our emotional «baggage». Sometimes it makes us dependent on these opinions.
Our feelings are like a cocoon woven of memories, important and minor events and personal reactions. One has it being thin and vulnerable, another has it like an armor.
My arts reflect my feelings, soul impulses and emotional kaleidoscope. Do you feel the same? Have you ever think of the unique and bizarre patterns that can be formed in this kaleidoscope if one looks inside yourself? And if one slightly changes the angle of view then it will be a completely different picture..
I invite you to join this exciting game!

Verwandte Themen

Pop ArtModern ArtSenseFeelingEmbroidery

Automatisch übersetzt
I was born in the south of Siberia, in a mining town. My town is located between two mountain rivers, surrounded by beautiful taiga. thats why, it has never been a problem to find a wonderful place for painting.[...]

I was born in the south of Siberia, in a mining town. My town is located between two mountain rivers, surrounded by beautiful taiga. thats why, it has never been a problem to find a wonderful place for painting. Since my early childhood I drew and I finally realized that this is my calling when i was about 14. Ten years of the university education gave me an excellent basis and the knowledge of basic techniques, but after I invented my own style. For many years I have been working as a graphic designer, my works won both Russian and international competitions. Nature, graphic design, emotions visualization are the three most important pictorial elements used in my abstract paintings. I am fascinated by the landscapes of Siberia: shapes, colors, textures that change with the season. But first of all, my paintings are my story. They reflect my feelings, movements of my soul, a kaleidoscope of emotions. In my works one can find something of his own, see a part of his life, recall a pleasant moment, feel emotions. Because this is the purpose of art. After all, our feelings are our "cocoon" woven from memories, important and insignificant events. Therefore, my works are a kind of encrypted diaries that need to be solved. I would like people to be interested in looking at them, finding a consealed meaning. With multiple layers of color and texture, I’d like to give each painting a different mood and depth - each painting is unique. I combine pictorial art and graphic design in my own way. I speak with love and trepidation about Degas and Manet, Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. The symbiosis of different schools and techniques shaped me as an artist. I tend to use tight and dense application with glaze, to mix different textures and leaflets. I often work intuitively and spontaneously, without a complete clearence of where each part ends. And allow the creative process itself guide me.

Mehr von Elena Naritsyna

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