Creation of the Cat (2023) Malerei von Mariia Gabelko

Öl auf Leinwand, 19,7x27,6 in
1.039,75 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkauft von Mariia Gabelko
Versand aus: Tschechien (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung)
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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32,63 $
130,61 $
272,09 $
Maximale Auflösung: 1280 x 915 px
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Verkauft von Mariia Gabelko

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
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Bereit zum Aufhängen
Auf Keilrahmen aus Holz montiert
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Öl auf Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 19,7in, Breite 27,6in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 5.000 $ Impressionismus Katze
The oil painting titled "Creation of the Cat" depicts a whimsical and vibrant scene inspired by Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam." Two cats, stylized in a manner reminiscent of the famous Sistine Chapel fresco, reach towards each other against a backdrop that mixes elements of the natural world with a touch of the divine.
The oil painting titled "Creation of the Cat" depicts a whimsical and vibrant scene inspired by Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam." Two cats, stylized in a manner reminiscent of the famous Sistine Chapel fresco, reach towards each other against a backdrop that mixes elements of the natural world with a touch of the divine.

The cat on the left is positioned in an area that appears to be the sky, rendered with broad, expressive brushstrokes in shades of blue and white, suggesting clouds. Rays of light, possibly divine in nature, shine down from the top left corner, imbuing the scene with a sense of grandeur and mysticism.

The cat on the right rests upon what appears to be a lush, flower-covered ground. The vibrant greenery is dotted with colorful blossoms, suggesting a place of earthly beauty. The cat's outstretched paw bridges the gap between the terrestrial and the celestial.

In the background, a tranquil sea under a calm sky stretches across the horizon, and what might be interpreted as a small dome or a distant moon hovers above the landscape. The entire scene is framed with a sense of balance between the two cats and the surrounding elements, evoking a narrative of creation and connection in the animal kingdom, parallel to the human-centric theme of its inspiration.

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Automatisch übersetzt
Mariia Gabelko was born in the city of Azov. She has been painting since childhood, studied for 7 years at an art school, then took private tutors to learn oil painting. Mariia moved to the Czech Republic in[...]

Mariia Gabelko was born in the city of Azov. She has been painting since childhood, studied for 7 years at an art school, then took private tutors to learn oil painting. Mariia moved to the Czech Republic in 2020. During the pandemic, she also took oil painting courses at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts online to improve her skills, after which she began to paint more commission paintings. 

Nowadays Mariia paints pictures with animals, such as cats, dogs, because there are clients who want to have portraits of their pets. Apart from animals, Mariia likes to paint landscapes. She paints mainly from her own photographs taken on trips or in everyday life. When painting landscapes, Mariia mainly wants to convey the capture of some interesting moment in nature or interesting details in architecture, the reflection of the sun's rays on houses, the reflection of the heterogeneous sky in glass buildings while painting urban landscapes. In addition, Mariia is trying a new direction for herself - hyperrealism. It is a new challenge for her, after the fulfillment of which Mariia will rise to a new level of skills.

Mehr von Mariia Gabelko

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