The Dolphins (2012) 雕塑 由 Laran Ghiglieri

雕塑 - 青铜, 19x14 in
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关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 青铜 使用铜和锡金属合金的雕刻技术。 铸件 允许对不同材料进行成型的雕刻方法,包括将这种材料以熔融或糊状倒入模具中以形成空心物体。[...]


DolphinDolphinsThe DolphinsAnimal SeaColorful

艺术家表示Foundry Michelangelo
Laran Ghilgieri mastered his craft the old-fashioned way: through apprenticeship. His great-grandfather, Battista Ghiglieri, carved the stately marble lions of the New York Stock Exchange and fostered three[...]

Laran Ghilgieri mastered his craft the old-fashioned way: through apprenticeship. His great-grandfather, Battista Ghiglieri, carved the stately marble lions of the New York Stock Exchange and fostered three more generations of master sculptors in his family: Laran’s grandfather, Angelo, Is best known for his massive marble of a Franciscan priest in Bakersfield, CA, and Laran’s prolific father, Lorenzo, gifted Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev and the King of Spain with bronzes of St. Francis of Assisi, in the spirit of peace.

Laran Ghiglieri studied under his father for more than 20 years. Together, they explored the richness of the world, from the Vatican to Indian reservations.

“To travel around and experience this exposure to international museums and the arts was (something) really valuable I couldn’t get from a school,” he says.

His internal drive led him to generate – alone and in collaboration with his father – hundreds of bronzes and paintings by age 20, including eagles spanning 30 feet and elephants reaching heights of 18 feet.

Companies contracted him early on to produce pieces for charity auctions, where he showcased wildlife, Western themes and athletes – particularly golfers and tennis players – in dynamic expressions. The depiction of athletes “in that specific moment when you’re pushing yourself mentally and physically – or just for joy,” he says, individuated him as a leading artist in his own right, within a family of talented sculptors.

On weekends, Laran often experiments with creating fantastical creatures and animation, as well as reproducing Old Masters’ work simply for his own satisfaction. The fantasy pieces allow him to design without the limits of realistic dimensions and appearances, while the reproductions help him discover sources of deep inspiration.

Overall, Western American history acts as his greatest muse. He lives in Oregon, where he still listens to Native American stories. He writes short historical fiction as a hobby, and his research has compelled him to extend his storytelling into sculptures and three-dimensional paintings. Subjects range from American Indians and pioneers to mid-century figures like Howard Hughes.

查看更多的Laran Ghiglieri

雕塑 - 青铜 | 65x24 in
雕塑 - 青铜 | 20x13 in
雕塑 - 青铜 | 27x67 in
雕塑 - 青铜 | 17x27 in

