Saint (2022) 绘画 由 Kubelskyi Ruslan

丙烯在帆布上, 31.5x31.5 in
价格: 免费送货
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Especially today, the need for beauty is very acute - against the backdrop of the deplorable state of contemporary art. I have nothing against contemporary works - art lives while it develops, changes forms and means of expression, and resonates with society. But today it almost does not create beauty. Conceptual art is often non-objective or in the[...]
Especially today, the need for beauty is very acute - against the backdrop of the deplorable state of contemporary art. I have nothing against contemporary works - art lives while it develops, changes forms and means of expression, and resonates with society. But today it almost does not create beauty. Conceptual art is often non-objective or in the field of photographic documentation. And people go for beauty to the classics. They go to admire the masterpieces. I present to you a series of works after realizing the beauty of the classics, all originals, I am sure that they will give you exactly what you are looking for and get from viewing the great artists of the Renaissance.

My artwork is a totally original mix of media, start with the idea and with the unique process.I combines many layers and shapes .My process allowing me to create my unique style and identity. The client get a one of a kind original

I paint to put the viewer of my work in a different frame of consciousness. My ultimate goal is to open your subconscious. If my forms can make you feel slightly uneasy my "magic" is doing it's job. When name my pieces several ideas come to mind. Most of it is music, all of it is color, some of it is love and quite a bit of it is hurt. My art is abstract simply because the world is complicated and potentially limitless and that is what art should be.

I love to work with acrylic on canvas, oil pastel,ink,charcoal, digital art mix media. I get inspired by the internet and by the life around me.

my artworks are very colorful and strong with allot of layers. I don't

thinks that i have one style because am exploring all the time different


I can be very accurate in the details and very free, it's depend in what i want to achieve.

I paint a phenomenon that individual feels the border of "Reality and Ideality". From this, hope the artists and audiences make the common interpretation.

Therefore, want to share the same feeling Due to the situation in Ukraine, SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE but takes more time (estimated 2-3 weeks)


Original PaintingAuthenticExclusiveRenaissanceLeonardo Da Vinci

库贝尔斯基·鲁斯兰(Kubelskyi Ruslan)是一位当代乌克兰画家。库贝尔斯基拥有建筑商和设计师的高等教育背景,拥有超越美术领域的多方面技能。他的专业知识跨越多个领域,包括古董、地质学、古生物学和心理学,反映出深刻的求知欲,这为他的艺术事业提供了动力。 除了视觉艺术之外,库贝尔斯基还是一位器乐作曲家,为他的创作曲目增添了和谐的维度。值得注意的是,他拥有该国最大的陨石收藏家的受人尊敬的头衔,这种热情凸显了他与宇宙问题的联系。对这些天体碎片的研究为库贝尔斯基的作品注入了独特的能量和力量,这在他的画作的迷人活力中显而易见。

库贝尔斯基·鲁斯兰(Kubelskyi Ruslan)是一位当代乌克兰画家。库贝尔斯基拥有建筑商和设计师的高等教育背景,拥有超越美术领域的多方面技能。他的专业知识跨越多个领域,包括古董、地质学、古生物学和心理学,反映出深刻的求知欲,这为他的艺术事业提供了动力。




投资库贝尔斯基·鲁斯兰 (Kubelskyi Ruslan) 的画作超越了单纯购买实物的范畴;这是对取之不尽、用之不竭的能源的投资。艺术家致力于为其作品注入活力,确保每件作品都成为其主人日常愉悦的源泉。库贝尔斯基与新媒体艺术工作室的艺术家 Maryna Sevastianova 和 Stanislav Tsapov 合作,继续为充满活力的艺术景观做出贡献,丰富了乌克兰当代艺术的视觉面貌。

查看更多的Kubelskyi Ruslan

丙烯在帆布上 | 45.3x29.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 45.3x29.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 45.3x27.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 45.3x29.5 in

