The Untamed's Whisper (2023) Malerei von Kevich Anastacia

Tinte auf Papier, 39,4x27,6 in
1.538 $
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Versand aus: Türkei (Rohr) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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33,00 $
131,00 $
272,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 2451 x 3500 px
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Verkäufer Kevich Anastacia

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
The Northern Lights are a whisper from nature, a mighty phenomenon. Bright streaks of light dance in the air, as if speaking to us of something secret and sacred. The light envelopes everything around it, like a blanket. It fills all space, penetrating our souls. We feel small and fragile, yet strong and protected at the same time. We feel as if we[...]
The Northern Lights are a whisper from nature, a mighty phenomenon. Bright streaks of light dance in the air, as if speaking to us of something secret and sacred. The light envelopes everything around it, like a blanket. It fills all space, penetrating our souls. We feel small and fragile, yet strong and protected at the same time. We feel as if we are becoming a part of something greater than ourselves.

Verwandte Themen


Automatisch übersetzt
Anastaсia Kevich is an Abstract and NFT Artist. ARTIST STATEMENT: "The energy of each person in our world is as unique as their fingerprint. Every emotion has its own vibration, like a note on[...]

Anastaсia Kevich is an Abstract and NFT Artist.

"The energy of each person in our world is as unique as their fingerprint. Every emotion has its own vibration, like a note on a musical scale. When we encounter each other, we may not see it, but we can feel it."

In an artistic space where form is secondary to meaning, where the subconscious is king, Anastacia Kevich is a modern innovator, transforming tradition into creation.
Her works are a fusion of abstract elements and light balance, creating new worlds of meaning.
Leaving behind a successful career as an entrepreneur, she pursued her artistic calling and developed her own visual language, "Ink Flow."

The first acquaintance with art took place at the age of 6, and even then little Anastacia instead of traditional artistic tools, brushes, began to paint a picture with her fingers. This choice predetermined her further development as an artist who showed interest in experimental approaches to painting.

The author's artistic research lies at the intersection of art and metaphysics.

One day, Anastacia visited an exhibition of photographs of one of the important scientific discoveries of the 20th century, called the “Kirlian effect.” The photograph captured the energy field of a flower. And to this day, the very photograph that evoked a deep emotional reaction is kept by the artist.

Subsequently, this became the beginning of the artist’s creative search.

The artist's practice is based on a sensitive and sentimental perception of the world, freeing itself from traditional compositions.
The artist focuses on diametrical contrasts, which enhance the communication of forms and create a special space for the interaction of color. By using air instead of a brush, the artist transforms their works into a special visual dimension.

The artist's work explores the energetic field of the soul and the spirit of nature. Her paintings invite the viewer to engage in a sensory and contemplative experience. The works are open to interpretation and encourage the viewer to reflect on their own spiritual journey. The artist's paintings have a tactile sensibility that goes beyond the visual to evoke deep and tender emotions.

Art, music, and ballet have been an integral part of the artist's life since early childhood. They have shaped a unique world view through the prism of harmony and purity.
Natural phenomena, such as cirrus clouds and the northern lights, are a source of endless inspiration for the author. She finds beauty, harmony, and eternity in them.

Thank you for your time!

Mehr von Kevich Anastacia

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