World culture series ,,Roots'' Georgian Kinto (2021) 绘画 由 Gela Mikava


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卖家 Gela Mikava



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卖家 Gela Mikava



最大分辨率: 2664 x 3344 px

卖家 Gela Mikava

In the realm of contemporary art, few artists manage to captivate audiences and stimulate dialogue like Gela Mikava. Her latest series of paintings, aptly titled “Roots,” stands as a testament to her mastery of storytelling through the visual medium. Mikava, a talented artist hailing from a native traditional culture herself, has embarked on a remarkable[...]
In the realm of contemporary art, few artists manage to captivate audiences and stimulate dialogue like Gela Mikava. Her latest series of paintings, aptly titled “Roots,” stands as a testament to her mastery of storytelling through the visual medium. Mikava, a talented artist hailing from a native traditional culture herself, has embarked on a remarkable journey to blend her heritage with the rich tapestry of Asian and Muslim cultures. The result is a collection of captivating canvases that celebrate diversity, tradition, and the beauty of cross-cultural connections.
Gela Mikava’s artistic journey is deeply rooted in her own heritage, which hails from a lesser-known indigenous culture. Raised in a society that values tradition and oral history, she grew up immersed in the stories, legends, and rituals of her ancestors. Mikava’s unique upbringing serves as the foundation upon which she builds her artistry, combining her indigenous roots with a deep respect and admiration for the diverse cultures of Asia and the Muslim world.
The “Roots” series is a visually striking collection of paintings that transports viewers into a world where tradition and modernity intersect. Each canvas depicts individuals adorned in exquisite traditional attire, often specific to their respective cultures. Mikava’s meticulous attention to detail, from the intricate patterns of fabrics to the subtle nuances of facial expressions, breathes life into her subjects and invites viewers to contemplate the essence of cultural identity.
What makes “Roots” truly exceptional is Mikava’s commitment to portraying the beauty and complexity of cultural diversity. In a world where globalization often leads to cultural homogenization, she showcases the rich tapestry of human history and tradition. Her paintings traverse geographical boundaries, embracing Asian cultures like the colorful and intricate fabrics of India, the grace of traditional Japanese attire, and the opulence of Middle Eastern garments. The series also delves into the essence of Islamic culture, shedding light on its profound spirituality and timeless traditions.

Through her art, Gela Mikava bridges cultural gaps and fosters a sense of unity among viewers from all walks of life. She believes that understanding and appreciating the roots of different cultures can lead to greater empathy and global harmony. Her paintings serve as a reminder that, beneath the surface, we are all connected by our shared human experiences, regardless of our cultural backgrounds.

Mikava’s work has been met with critical acclaim and has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. Collectors and art enthusiasts alike are drawn to the “Roots” series for its power to provoke introspection and inspire conversations about heritage, identity, and the bonds that unite us all.
In a world grappling with cultural misunderstandings and divisions, Gela Mikava’s “Roots” series provides a poignant and timely message. It encourages us to look beyond our differences and seek the common threads that connect us to one another. Through her art, Mikava invites us to explore the beauty of our own roots and the roots of others, fostering a deeper appreciation for the rich mosaic of human culture that makes our world so wonderfully diverse.


KintoGeorgian ArtistGeorgian Traditional ClothesGaorgian National Balet DancerNew Artist

Gela Mikava 是一位格鲁吉亚视觉艺术家,其独特的艺术方法集中在重新利用苏联时代的棉织物拉伸天花板作为他选择的画布。在一个材料常常被不假思索地丢弃的世界里,Mikava 将这些天花板视为历史的容器,承载着几代人的故事、情感和记忆。 米卡瓦作品的独特之处在于他在画布与其过去之间建立了深刻的联系。这些拉伸天花板见证了无数的时刻,保留了以前居民的印记,每个脚印和耳语都蚀刻在织物上。当米卡瓦在这些画布上作画时,他感到一种尊重他们的传统的深深的责任感,让画布本身引导他的手,并通过他的艺术传达自己的叙述。

Gela Mikava 是一位格鲁吉亚视觉艺术家,其独特的艺术方法集中在重新利用苏联时代的棉织物拉伸天花板作为他选择的画布。在一个材料常常被不假思索地丢弃的世界里,Mikava 将这些天花板视为历史的容器,承载着几代人的故事、情感和记忆。


Mikava 艺术哲学的核心在于相信最有力的表达来自不同材料和媒介的融合。他致力于创造不​​仅激发想象力,而且超越时间、唤起观众深刻情感的艺术。 Mikava 创作的每件作品都讲述了一个故事,不仅讲述了他的愿景,还讲述了他所使用的材料中蕴含的丰富历史。

查看更多的Gela Mikava

丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x23.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 55.1x47.2 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 47.2x39.4 in
布在帆布上 | 39.4x31.5 in

