Portrait de Napoleon Bonaparte (1915) Painting by François Gérard

Not For Sale

Seller Artmajeur Editions

Fine art paper, 12x8 in
  • Original Artwork Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 89.2in, Width 57.5in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Classicism Portrait
Dans cette peinture à l'huile réalisée en 1805, Napoléon est représenté en uniforme de Premier Consul, debout et légèrement tourné vers la droite. Ses mains sont croisées devant lui, et il semble fixer un point situé en dehors de la peinture, comme s'il était en train de réfléchir ou de méditer. Le fond de la peinture est composé[...]
Dans cette peinture à l'huile réalisée en 1805, Napoléon est représenté en uniforme de Premier Consul, debout et légèrement tourné vers la droite. Ses mains sont croisées devant lui, et il semble fixer un point situé en dehors de la peinture, comme s'il était en train de réfléchir ou de méditer.

Le fond de la peinture est composé d'un rideau rouge, symbolisant le pouvoir et l'autorité, et d'un paysage lointain. La lumière est douce et diffuse, donnant à l'ensemble de la peinture une atmosphère solennelle et majestueuse.

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PortraitNapoleon BonaparteEmpereurPouvoirCourrone

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Artist represented by Artmajeur Editions
François Gérard was a French painter born May 4, 1770 in Rome, Italy, and died January 11, 1837 in Paris. He is known to be one of the greatest portrait painters of his time. Son of a miniaturist, he[...]

François Gérard was a French painter born May 4, 1770 in Rome, Italy, and died January 11, 1837 in Paris. He is known to be one of the greatest portrait painters of his time.

Son of a miniaturist, he began his apprenticeship in Italy with his father and then studied painting at the 039;French Academy in Rome. He then moved to Paris where he became a pupil of Jacques-Louis David, the most famous painter of the time.

In 1795, he won the Prix de Rome, which allowed him to go on a study trip to Italy. Upon his return to Paris, he devoted himself mainly to painting portraits, working for many important personalities of the time, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Joséphine de Beauharnais, Talleyrand and King Louis XVIII.

He enjoyed great success and was appointed official painter of the Empire in 1808. He was also elected a member of the Academy of Fine Arts in 1816 and became professor of drawing at the École des beaux-arts in 1824.

His portraits are characterized by their elegance and refinement, as well as the skilful use of light to emphasize the subject. Gérard is also known for his collaboration with the famous cabinetmaker Jacob-Desmalter, with whom he worked on numerous furniture projects.


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