The Circle Theory-The Project Sixes & Sixties #14 (2021) Malerei von Faye Zxz

Öl auf Leinwand, 48x192 in
11.440 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkauft von Faye Zxz
Kundenrezensionen (4)
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14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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33,00 $
130,00 $
271,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 4200 x 2700 px
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Verkauft von Faye Zxz

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
Notes on “ The Circle Theory-the Project Sixes & Sixties #14”: Abstract art: Abstract art, to my observation and understanding, is often presented in lines (straight or curved”, in geometric patterns (squares or circles), as well as in patches of colors, thus to display the world around us, and to express the artists[...]
Notes on “ The Circle Theory-the Project Sixes & Sixties #14”:

Abstract art:

Abstract art, to my observation and understanding, is often presented in lines (straight or curved”, in geometric patterns (squares or circles), as well as in patches of colors, thus to display the world around us, and to express the artists themselves.

This series of subtitled " The Project Sixes and Sixties", under "The Circle Theory", comes from the ancient Mesopotamian' knowledge to divide a circle into equal six sectors and each sector is sixty degree.

A circle is an abstract symbol, which exemplifies the world around us and beyond, and which conveys our way of thinking in many aspects.
To draw a circle is to pursue perfection and, to reach completion profoundly.

A story behind of this new series:
In the autumn of 2019 when I was in Paris, one afternoon while I was having a lunch at the cafe inside of the Louis Vuitton Foundation, sitting next to my table was an old gentleman from Australia. After we exchanged a few words, he asked me “What brought you here?”, I told him that I am an artist, I paint. Then he asked me if I could show him some of my works, I said “of course”. I have some images of my painting stored in my cell phone, so I shown them to the old gentleman. He looked at my paintings, then said to me: “ They very much tell where the culture you are from.” His words expressed what his impression on my paintings, but to me, the words struck me with a hint of a certain limitation of my works. Quite contrary, I always thought that my works are quite universal!
During my stay in Paris, the words from that old gentleman kept hovering over my head, and near the end of my stay, I said to myself that I need to make a change!

So this series of “ The Circle Theory” is another new start on my journey to pursue art.

Actually, about six years ago, even before I started to paint, I had practiced on drawing circles, using ink on rice paper. Since this year, I have switched to oil paint on canvas, and this new series is a continuation on my fascination for circles.

The painting is signed and dated both front or back.

Verwandte Themen

ContemporaryAbstractCirclesBlack And WhiteGrey

Automatisch übersetzt
Born and raised in Shanghai, China. 1979-1983, Received Bachelor of Law degree from the East China University of Political Science & Law. 1998-2001, Received Master of Fine Arts[...]

Born and raised in Shanghai, China.

1979-1983, Received Bachelor of Law degree from the East China University of Political Science & Law.
1998-2001, Received Master of Fine Arts degree from the San Francisco State University.

Living and working as an artist in San Francisco, US.

Award & Honors:
2004 Recipient of Silver Award, by “The 3rd From Lausanne To Beijing International Fiber Art Biennial”
2001 Recipient of Visual Arts Award, by Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation
2000 Recipient of Merit Award of Textile Art, by the Conference of Norther California Handweavers
2000 Recipient of Fine Arts Scholarship, by Leo D. Stillwell Scholarship of San Francisco State University
1999 Recipient of Jack K. & Gertrude Murphy Fine Arts Fellowship, by San Francisco Foundation

Work Collected by:
2007 Superior Court of California in Santa Cruz county, California
2002 Honolulu Academy of Art, Honolulu, Hawaii
2002 DisneySea MiraCosta Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
And, by the individuals

Publication & Review:
2005 & 2002 Letter Arts Review, Vol.17, No.3 & Vol.20, No.3, USA
2004 Contemporary International Fiber Art, Catalogue of “The 3rd International Fiber Art Biennale- From Lausanne To Beijing”, China
2004 “Exhibition Finds Beauty In Words” by Joanne Silver, Boston Herald, Dec.27, USA
2003 “Making & Decorating Stylish Screens”, by Larkbooks, Altamont Press Inc., USA
2002 Weaving New Rhythms, by Rubicon Publishing Inc., Canada
2002 Surface Design, spring issue, USA
2002 American Craft, February /March issue, USA
2001 Fiber Arts, “Evolution of a Language”, by Victoria Alba, May /June issue, USA
1995 Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, Fall issue, USA

Mehr von Faye Zxz

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Öl auf Leinwand | 48x192 in
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10.489 $
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9.411 $


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