Cariatides (2023) Malerei von Enrique Pichardo

Acryl auf Leinwand, 76,8x131,9 in
12.791,28 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Ilusorio
Versand aus: Mexiko (Rohr)
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
"Caryatids" by Enrique Pichardo is an imposing work of 335x195 cm, created in acrylic on canvas. On this canvas, four figures stand out against backgrounds divided into blue, white, red, and black. Each figure, outlined in black and white, vividly contrasts with its respective background, creating a dynamic and visually striking[...]
"Caryatids" by Enrique Pichardo is an imposing work of 335x195 cm, created in acrylic on canvas. On this canvas, four figures stand out against backgrounds divided into blue, white, red, and black.

Each figure, outlined in black and white, vividly contrasts with its respective background, creating a dynamic and visually striking composition. The sharp and defined lines of the figures contrast with the softness of the divided backgrounds, adding depth and expression to the work.

The use of blue, white, red, and black in the backgrounds provides a vibrant and varied color palette, highlighting the uniqueness of each figure. The contrast between cool and warm tones creates a sense of balance and harmony in the composition.

The caryatids, with their majestic and timeless presence, evoke a sense of strength and stability. Their firm stance and elegant silhouette add an element of grace and beauty to the work as a whole.

In "Caryatids," Pichardo invites us to contemplate the interaction between the figures and their environments, exploring themes of identity, contrast, and connection. It is a work that awakens the imagination and reflection, inviting the viewer to immerse themselves in a world of shapes, colors, and meanings.

Pichardo's art has gained widespread recognition and admiration from collectors around the globe. His creations have found their place in various countries, expanding his influence worldwide. Through digital platforms, these masterpieces are shared, allowing their impact to transcend borders and reach an audience eager for his exceptional creativity.

Caryatids by Enrique Pichardo: acrylic on canvas, 335x195 cm, four figures against divided backgrounds in blue, white, red, and black.

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Automatisch übersetzt
Künstler von Ilusorio vertreten
Pichardo isn't just an artist; he's a child with many years. Enrique Pichardo Egea was born in Mexico City on April 17, 1973, where he currently lives and works. He displayed a keen interest[...]

Pichardo isn't just an artist; he's a child with many years.

Enrique Pichardo Egea was born in Mexico City on April 17, 1973, where he currently lives and works. He displayed a keen interest in creation from an early age, shaping his inner world through simple artistic expressions that brought him joy.

He spent his formative years exploring different paths before returning to his childhood passion. Enrolling in the prestigious National School of Painting, Sculpture, and Printmaking, "La Esmeralda," in Mexico City, he refused to be constrained by perceived rules and bureaucracy, opting to recapture the creative innocence of his youth.

Today, the 8-year-old child within Pichardo paints with all his personality, body, mind, and soul, authentically expressing his obsessive and compulsive musical style. He represents a contemporary embodiment of Mexican expressionism, internationally celebrated for its distinctive inspirations from transformed everyday life to vibrant symbolism.

His work has been exhibited in major museums in Mexico City and around the world, captivating collectors globally. Joy and delight pervade his works, offering viewers the originality of visual art, conveying emotions that only pictorially, not linguistically, can express.

Pichardo's primarily figurative works feature magical, often whimsical figures, vibrant color tones, pictorial signs, biomorphic images, and geometric shapes, showcasing the influence of great European modern artists.

A celebration of life, an expression of jubilation, his work exudes color and joy, embodying the conviction of returning to childhood and its initial traces. There's an indescribable bond between artist, artwork, and a charismatic, captivating personality, conceived solely to celebrate the joy of being alive.

Mehr von Enrique Pichardo

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