Men portraits sculptures for sale

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Sculpture titled "Recycled Lenin #5" by Oleksandr Balbyshev, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Recycled Lenin #5 - Sculpture, 8.3x5.7 in ©2024 by Oleksandr Balbyshev - Figurative, figurative-594, Men portraits, lenin, funny, ussr, kitsch, sotsart, communism, history, metamodernism, black, spots, famous person, dictator, pop-art, bust

Oleksandr Balbyshev

"Recycled Lenin #5"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 8.3x5.7 in

Sculpture titled "Oleksandr Balbyshev…" by Oleksandr Balbyshev, Original Artwork, Metals
Oleksandr Balbyshev "Wild Lenin" - Sculpture, 7.5x4.7 in ©2020 by Oleksandr Balbyshev - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Men portraits, sotsart, kitsch, history, USSR, Lenin, paint splatters, bust, Famous Person, spots, black, humor, dictator, communism, Metamodernism, old portrait

Oleksandr Balbyshev

"Oleksandr Balbyshev "Wild Lenin""

Sculpture - Metals | 7.5x4.7 in

Sculpture titled "Recycled Lenin #4" by Oleksandr Balbyshev, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Recycled Lenin #4 - Sculpture, 7.9x5.7 in ©2024 by Oleksandr Balbyshev - Figurative, figurative-594, Men portraits, lenin, funny, ussr, kitsch, sotsart, communism, history, metamodernism, black, spots, famous person, dictator, pop-art, bust

Oleksandr Balbyshev

"Recycled Lenin #4"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 7.9x5.7 in

Sculpture titled "EL PENSADOR" by José Manuel Solares, Original Artwork, Wood
EL PENSADOR - Sculpture, 13.8x16.1 in ©2023 by José Manuel Solares - Cubism, cubism-582, Men portraits, Thinker, Denker, penseur, Tête, head, sculpture le penseur, Skulptur der Denker, sculpture the thinker, cubist sculpture, sculpture cubiste, Kubistische Skulptur, homedecor, décoration de maison

José Manuel Solares


Sculpture - Wood | 13.8x16.1 in



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