Geometric original works of art for sale

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Painting titled "Cybernetic Grace an…" by Asel, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Cybernetic Grace and Her Feline Companion - Painting, 30.2x52.9 in ©2019 by Asel - Geometric, geometric-572, Science, robot suit, painting, cybernetic, woman, technology, futuristic, artificial intelligence, companion, grace


"Cybernetic Grace and Her Feline Companion"

Acrylic on Canvas | 30.2x52.9 in

Painting titled "Wave Theory- Partic…" by Anastasia Vasilyeva, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Wave Theory- Participant SWISS Art Expo, XL Gallery Canvas, - Painting, 47.2x39.4 in ©2021 by Anastasia Vasilyeva - Geometric, geometric-572, Science, Sea, sea coast, ocean, waves, blue, sky, wave theory, mathematics, science art, physics, xl painting, science art painting, water painting, calligraphy, typology

Anastasia Vasilyeva

"Wave Theory- Participant SWISS Art Expo, XL Gallery Canvas,"

Acrylic on Canvas | 47.2x39.4 in

Prints available


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