AUTUMN APPLES (2024) Malerei von Elena Mclaren

Acryl auf Leinen Leinwand, 16,9x13 in
523,51 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Elena Mclaren
Kundenrezensionen (8)
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32,69 $
130,76 $
272,43 $
Maximale Auflösung: 935 x 1219 px
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Verkäufer Elena Mclaren

Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 2 Sammlungen
The painting is done on silk fabric, and it's stretched onto a frame, so the artwork seamlessly extends onto the frame itself. This unique feature adds depth and dimension to the piece, making it even more captivating. Batik - hand-painted on fabric using reserving compounds. October 2, 2009 included in the UNESCO list of masterpieces of[...]
The painting is done on silk fabric, and it's stretched onto a frame, so the artwork seamlessly extends onto the frame itself. This unique feature adds depth and dimension to the piece, making it even more captivating.
Batik - hand-painted on fabric using reserving compounds. October 2, 2009 included in the UNESCO list of masterpieces of the oral and spiritual heritage of mankind. The fabric - silk, is painted with the appropriate fabric paint. To obtain clear boundaries at the junction of paints, a special fixer is used, called a reserve (a reserve composition, based on paraffin). The painting "batik" has long been known among the peoples of Indonesia, India, etc. In Europe - since the XX century.
Batik is the traditional costume of the royal and aristocratic families in Java for many centuries until now. The use of batik is still sustainable and is a mandatory traditional dress in the rules of the Javanese palaces to this day. Initially, the tradition of making batik was considered a tradition that could only be practiced in the palace and was designated as the clothes of the king, family, and their followers, thus becoming a symbol of Javanese feudalism.
Any batik is unique, because it is created by hand according to an original inimitable sketch, and has a high cost, because it takes a lot of time to create a pattern on fabric, expensive natural dyes etc.
My idea is to go beyond the traditional concepts of Batik painting, I do not limit content to just traditional flowers and patterns. In my works I use natural silk, crepe de chine, satin and silk dyes, as well as mixed techniques of Batik-cold and Batik using hot wax. You will see portrait, landscape, abstract, cubism, animalism, and 3D paintings. When using the Batik technique, you have no room to make a mistake, because it may not be possible to fix the error. It takes days, sometimes even weeks, to create one painting.

Verwandte Themen


Automatisch übersetzt
My works are inspired by colour in a kind of mix, a cocktail that includes elements from photography, sculpture and painting. I've always experimented with new materials and techniques, whether it's[...]

My works are inspired by colour in a kind of mix, a cocktail that includes elements from photography, sculpture and painting. I've always experimented with new materials and techniques, whether it's painting on canvas or silk to add different dimensions to my works. I get joy from light and colour and aspire to share this  with any person who takes interest in my works and that by capturing their attention my works can create pleasure.


2007 – 2010 Salford University, Salford UK :- Visual Arts BA(Hons.)

2005 – 2007 Mancat (Manchester College), Manchester UK:-Foundation Course Visual Art

1983 – 1990 Moscow University, Moscow Russia:-Domestic and Industrial Architecture

1979 – 1983 Moscow Technology College, Moscow Russia


Elena’s works have been included in the following recent exhibitions:-

2008 Emerging Artists Series, group exhibition.

2009 Cow Gallery Manchester, Painting and Sculpture.

2009 Macerate Art Academy Italy, ‘ Terra Crutta-Terra Cotta’, Painting and Sculpture.

2010 Suseum, ‘Narrative Salford’

2010 Russian Centre, ‘Russian with Love’, Painting.

2010 Comalford Mmercial Gallery ‘Brit Art’ group exhibition, Photograph.

2011 Sheffield Open Art Exhibition

2011 St Gemma’s Hospice, the annual Leeds Art Exibition

2012 Stockport Art Gallery

2012 St Gemma’s Hospice, the annual Leeds Art Exibition

2012 Didsbury Pasonage Trust, Personal Art Exibition

2012 Didsbury Perks and Rescorce Centre

2013-19 St Gemma’s Hospice, the annual Leeds Art Exhibition

20016 Saatchi Art exhibitions

2017-2019  Great Sheffield Art Show

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