Nature's Kaleidoscope (2023) Malerei von Catherine J. Martzloff

Öl auf Andere Fläche, 14x11 in
645 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Kundenrezensionen (1)
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14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Verkauft von Catherine J. Martzloff

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 2 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Öl auf Andere Fläche
  • Masse Höhe 14in, Breite 11in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 1.000 $ Fauvismus Stilleben
"Nature's Kaleidoscope" is a vibrant, expressive still life oil painting inspired by my love for color and flowers. Flowers can change the energy of a room and how we feel as well as inspire hope. One of the reasons I create and paint is because of the hope it connects me too and I want to share this with others. It's[...]
"Nature's Kaleidoscope" is a vibrant, expressive still life oil painting inspired by my love for color and flowers.

Flowers can change the energy of a room and how we feel as well as inspire hope. One of the reasons I create and paint is because of the hope it connects me too and I want to share this with others. It's like opening a bouquet of flowers and experiencing what they have inside that I can share.

My process includes exaggerating colors and simplifying what I am seeing into what look like silhouettes. Many people have conveyed that the paintings remind them of stained glass.

This artwork incorporates the beauty of a mixed bouquet with a sunflower as a standout. The myriad of textures in the varied flowers add to the arrangements texture and diversity. Incorporated into the still life is the transparency of glass and delightful nature of citrus fruits. The colors are clear and vibrant and the painting has a distinct style that embraces simplicity.

I painted this on hardboard, in oils from a still life arrangement set in my studio.

Verwandte Themen

Bouquet Of FlowersWindowsYellow LemonsOrangesGlass Vase

Automatisch übersetzt
Ms. Martzloff returned to painting about 15 years ago after some life changes. In that process, she took a risk and departed from her job to create some space for healing.  She focused on raising her daughter[...]

Ms. Martzloff returned to painting about 15 years ago after some life changes. In that process, she took a risk and departed from her job to create some space for healing.  She focused on raising her daughter and finding new work, while re-committing to her art to see where it might take her.  During this time Catherine had started taking an art class locally focusing on drawing to re-connect with the basics. About a year later, she was encouraged to move into painting by one of her mentors.  Although she was hesitant, it wasn’t long before it became clear this was right where she needed to be.

Quickly, memories returned surrounding the joy in painting. As an art major in college, this is where hours would pass like seconds. This was happening again, even with the frustrations of starting over from what felt like the beginning.  With diligence and commitment she practiced, supplementing classes with drawing and painting in her spare time and by connecting with local artists; shifting between plein-air painting and developing a studio practice.

Ms. Martzloff began showing her drawings and some paintings in 2011 receiving acceptance into a variety of local juried shows which provided affirmation to keep going.  A personal flow emerged that extended from her consistent practice and willingness to move out of comfort zones.  Along the way, a shift occurred in her approach and to how she was seeing things.  The imagery rendered on the canvas became more vibrant and simple with an element of wonder infused into the sophisticated compositions.  

Ms. Martzloff was born in Vancouver, BC and currently lives in New Jersey, USA. She has a small business sitting/boarding dogs and continues to paint daily and sell her artwork around the globe.  She is continually inspired by many masters and loves the Expressionists.  Her desire is to continue to develop paintings that keep the viewer engaged in something beyond the surface.  

Mehr von Catherine J. Martzloff

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