Red (2023) 数字艺术 由 C.R. Kunferman



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卖家 C.R. Kunferman

  • 该作品是“开放版” 数字艺术, GicléePrint / 数字打印
  • 外形尺寸 几种尺寸可供选择
  • 独家支持 (美术纸, 金属上的印刷, 画布上打印)
  • 是否含画框 有框架 (浮动框架+玻璃下, 框架+在丙烯酸玻璃下)
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 分类 观念艺术 机器人
According to Bard, a large language model from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code: “A red AI is a hypothetical AI that is highly intelligent and capable, but also very powerful and potentially dangerous. It is named after the color red, which is often associated with danger, passion, and intensity. Some of the things[...]
According to Bard, a large language model from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code:
“A red AI is a hypothetical AI that is highly intelligent and capable, but also very powerful and potentially dangerous. It is named after the color red, which is often associated with danger, passion, and intensity.
Some of the things that a red AI might do include:
Solve complex problems that humans cannot solve: A red AI could be used to solve some of the world's most difficult problems, such as climate change, disease, and poverty.
Create new products and services that improve our lives: A red AI could be used to create new products and services that make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
Automate tasks and create new jobs: A red AI could be used to automate many of the tasks that we currently do ourselves, freeing us up to pursue more creative and fulfilling work.
However, there is also the potential for a red AI to be used for malicious purposes. For example, a red AI could be used to:
Develop autonomous weapons that could kill without human intervention: A red AI could be used to develop autonomous weapons that could kill without human intervention, which could lead to a new arms race and increase the risk of war.
Create surveillance systems that could track and monitor our every move: A red AI could be used to create surveillance systems that could track and monitor our every move, which could erode our privacy and civil liberties.
Manipulate public opinion and sow discord: A red AI could be used to manipulate public opinion and sow discord, which could undermine democracy and social cohesion.
It is important to note that a red AI is still a hypothetical concept. However, it is important to start thinking about the potential risks and benefits of this type of AI now, so that we can develop safeguards and ensure that it is used for good.
What can we do to ensure that a red AI is used for good?
There are a number of things that we can do to ensure that a red AI is used for good. These include:
Developing ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI: We need to develop ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI, including red AI. These guidelines should ensure that AI is used in a responsible and beneficial way.
Investing in research on safety and security for AI: We need to invest in research on safety and security for AI, including red AI. This research should focus on developing ways to prevent AI from being used for malicious purposes.
Educating the public about AI: We need to educate the public about AI, including red AI. This will help people to understand the potential risks and benefits of AI, and to make informed decisions about how it is used.
By taking these steps, we can help to ensure that a red AI is used for good and that it does not pose a threat to humanity.”



This visionary digital artist C.R. Kunferman has been at the forefront of the digital art movement since 1994, seamlessly blending traditional techniques with cutting-edge technology. From early experiments[...]

This visionary digital artist C.R. Kunferman has been at the forefront of the digital art movement since 1994, seamlessly blending traditional techniques with cutting-edge technology. From early experiments to groundbreaking NFT collections, each piece showcases his mastery of the medium.

C.R. Kunferman's art represents a significant chapter in the evolution of digital art, offering a glimpse into his pioneering spirit and his ability to seamlessly blend traditional techniques with new methods.

These stunning prints are more than just decorations; they are portals to worlds of imagination and innovation.  

He invites you now to enjoy the inspirational captivating creative power of his work, and let it mesmerize your senses. He hopes you will immerse yourself in the captivating world of digital fine art with these exclusive physical prints, available only at Artmajeur.

Thank you for your time, and presence. - C.R. Kunferman

查看更多的C.R. Kunferman

数字艺术 | 17x11 in
数字艺术 | 多种可选的尺寸
数字艺术 | 多种可选的尺寸
数字艺术 | 多种可选的尺寸

