Four Seasons ( quadriptych ) (2022) 绘画 由 Artkmst

丙烯在亚麻帆布上, 27.6x78.7 in
价格: 免费送货
卖家 Artkmst
发货地: 塞尔维亚 (木箱) 在3天
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  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 丙烯 在亚麻帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 27.6in, 宽度 78.7in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 从US$20,000 抽象主义 性质
Quadriptych ( set of 4 canvases 50x70 cm each ) "Four Seasons" is to date one, if not the most substantial and biggest projects of mine. I see it as a quintessence and epitome of what I've been building towards all ten years of working and exploring in styles, genres, approaches, techniques, mediums, flows, scales. The environment I[...]
Quadriptych ( set of 4 canvases 50x70 cm each ) "Four Seasons" is to date one, if not the most substantial and biggest projects of mine. I see it as a quintessence and epitome of what I've been building towards all ten years of working and exploring in styles, genres, approaches, techniques, mediums, flows, scales. The environment I was brought up in and the way I live mostly is often tightly connected to the seasons of the year, and I love the fact that I have deep admiration and appreciation for all that each brings about and contributes to the contrast of life, for being able to have all those different tones and notions of the nature palette makes life more multifaceted and exciting. Through the years my passions and interest in many areas of life be it action sports, travelling, music or creative endeavours such as art also got me to enjoy and look forward to each of the seasons, because at each point of the year depending on where you are at you can get on with different exciting activities that other time could not be that available such as snowboarding for example, or biking, and even on the rainy days you can go ahead and work on something in the comfort of your home/studio/office. So, I think it's important to realise the value of the weather patterns and natural flow of them and have a positive attitude about it. And that is quite a surface kinda talk about it, not even talking about it’s natural importance and essential role in life. It also is the most rich topic for art regarding colour dynamic. I was brought up and lived most of my life in a place where you distinctively have all four of them and the contrast is quite bright and lively. So I've been always excited by that, and how different almost like different worlds it feels every season. You can only purchase the all four together in originals. I will make separate posts for each of the for prints and you can buy them separately whichever one you like or get all four in prints separately.


NatureFour SeasonsSeasons Of The YearWeatherWeather Patterns

Artkemist 是一位居住在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的当代艺术家,他的艺术之旅跨越了十年,全身心投入到自己的艺术创作中。他的艺术事业始于英国伦敦,他很快便在全球建立了影响力,在世界各地创作和销售艺术品。他的流动工作室有时位于世界各地的不同城市,反映了他充满活力且不断发展的艺术方法。 多年来,Artkemist[...]

Artkemist 是一位居住在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的当代艺术家,他的艺术之旅跨越了十年,全身心投入到自己的艺术创作中。他的艺术事业始于英国伦敦,他很快便在全球建立了影响力,在世界各地创作和销售艺术品。他的流动工作室有时位于世界各地的不同城市,反映了他充满活力且不断发展的艺术方法。

多年来,Artkemist 通过在著名场馆举办的众多展览获得了认可,包括个人和合作展览、公共艺术展览、博览会、国际慈善活动、时尚盛典和娱乐展示。他在舞台上的表演以及在知名媒体平台上的报道进一步巩固了他作为多才多艺、有影响力的艺术家的声誉。

Artkemist 的艺术不受分类限制,体现了超越传统界限的多面性和探索性精神。他的作品受到各种影响,融合了抽象、当代流行、涂鸦、表现主义、混合媒体、拼贴、立体主义、图形和文字等元素。他利用丙烯酸、油画棒、喷漆、记号笔等媒介,以及宝石、黄金、钞票、纸针、咖啡和威士忌等非常规材料,突破了传统艺术表达的界限。

Artkemist 的创作灵感来自各种各样的来源,包括天气模式、季节变化、日常观察、电影、音乐、旅行、极限运动、喜剧、纹身、城市文化、建筑以及艺术本身的本质。他相信为艺术而创作的纯粹性,强调艺术过程比个人自尊或认可更重要。

Artkemist 的作品体现了他对个性和创作自由的坚定承诺,展现了风格、技术和主题的独特融合。他的艺术证明了艺术表达的无限可能性,超越了传统规范,创造出真正独特而迷人的作品。


丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x11.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x7.9 in
标记在帆布上 | 13.8x19.7 in
喷漆在帆布上 | 27.6x19.7 in

