Voodoo Service Guide (2023) 绘画 由 Арнольд Медичи

丙烯在帆布上, 27.6x19.7 in
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最大分辨率: 960 x 1280 px

卖家 Арнольд Медичи

Artifact painting "Voodoo Service Guide". The character's name is Thutmui. Service guides are certain persons of internal service for beings with developed consciousness, carriers of highly professional information on any specialization. The service guide is depicted in the working environment of a voodoo sorcerer. This[...]
Artifact painting "Voodoo Service Guide". The character's name is Thutmui.
Service guides are certain persons of internal service for beings with developed consciousness, carriers of highly professional information on any specialization.
The service guide is depicted in the working environment of a voodoo sorcerer. This is a cult space (temple) with figures of idols made of wood, bones and teeth. The vessel with blood refers to some voodoo practices. The ghostly arms and legs behind Tutmuya’s back indicate influences on the subtle planes that are produced due to the energy released by living beings. There are also tropical plants with large flowers that have psychedelic effects. Some of the plant leaves are decorated with ritual stripes; such leaves can be used as clothing for priests during rituals.
Thutmui has the appearance of a Limurian. He wears a short tunic, decorated with designs similar to Maori tattoos. The service guide's body itself is covered with tattoos. The bracelets on the forearms, wrists, ankles, and the necklace on the neck are made from pieces of bones, teeth and tendons. Tutmui has piercings on her head - metal earrings in her ears, bone plates in her lips, eyebrows, nose, and on the folds of the skin on the top of her head.
The picture helps create a setting (position of the assemblage point), which allows you to receive information about voodoo magic, actively engage in the professional processes of voodoo sorcerers (due to the active right hemisphere) and make an impact on the world - effectively engage in healing, work with life situations, learn to create and use Voodoo artifacts. Artifacts of voodoo magic are created, as a rule, from animal and plant elements. They are very effective for working with your own body, controlling natural processes (for example, the weather), and childbirth. The picture allows you to tune in to them and trace the process of creation.


КартинаАртефактМагия ВудуArtifactiPainting

 I studied at art school in St. Petersburg (Russia), 1973-1983. Then he studied at the institute - St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy. A.L. Stieglitz (Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after[...]

 I studied at art school in St. Petersburg (Russia), 1973-1983. Then he studied at the institute - St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy. A.L. Stieglitz (Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after V.I. Mukhina), the specialty I received was an artist in monumental and decorative painting, 1986-1991; I also have a scientific specialty - candidate of cultural studies, Moscow State University, 1999, for the last 13 years I have been studying and developing at the school of the Atlantis Technological Association, specializing in the magic of Wizards, specializing in the creation of artifacts and objects that have a biotechnological impact.


    Work experience: teaching - St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz, St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design and other universities, Commandery “Kailas” TA “Atlantis”; practical – participation in group and personal exhibitions, book illustration, interior design projects; creation of artifacts.


    The functionality of the created artifacts: protective, impact, therapeutic general and targeted purposes, aimed at solving situations in society, aimed at creating well-being in the family, aimed at acquiring wealth and accumulating treasures, aimed at changing the parameters of consciousness, aimed at changing the parameters of the external world.


   I produce a full cycle of creating artifacts, including material media from various materials: paintings, mandalas, graphic drawings - oil, tempera, acrylic, watercolor, Chinese ink, computer vector and raster graphics; figurines made of clay, wood, polymer materials, talismans, both for wearing on oneself and for installation in a room, car, etc. - rings, bracelets, pendants, coins, medals, figurines, bowls, candlesticks, knives, watches, art magnets.

    Participation in the activities of the Technological Association "Atlantis": creation of locations in the game project "World of Atlantis" (the largest project of the Association), creation of locations in the project "Temples".

查看更多的Арнольд Медичи

丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x23.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 23.6x31.5 in
水彩在纸上 | 22.8x16.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x23.6 in

