La Boheme (2024) 绘画 由 Anna Jennifer


Anna Jennifer 出售



最大分辨率: 1963 x 1972 px

Anna Jennifer 出售

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 丙烯 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 39.4in, 宽度 39.4in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 观念艺术 神话
I spent a lot of my childhood studying Gorodets and a lot of other traditional Russian painting styles. It always felt too restrictive and rule oriented, so lately a fun source of inspiration for me has been playing around with the traditional style and reimagining how the subjects of the pieces might be feeling and what they wouldve looked like in[...]
I spent a lot of my childhood studying Gorodets and a lot of other traditional Russian painting styles. It always felt too restrictive and rule oriented, so lately a fun source of inspiration for me has been playing around with the traditional style and reimagining how the subjects of the pieces might be feeling and what they wouldve looked like in real life.
Born in the US and later moving to Russia, where I am currently based, my journey has been a collection of different influences. Through that, art has always been a constant presence in my life from a young[...]

Born in the US and later moving to Russia, where I am currently based, my journey has been a collection of different influences. Through that, art has always been a constant presence in my life from a young age, both through attending children’s art school, and many travel experiences in Croatia, Italy, and around Europe. After completing school, I took a different path, pursuing a veterinary degree, a decision that added a unique dimension to my experiences.

As a recent veterinary school graduate, I've circled back to my artistic roots, focusing on building my portfolio and expanding my creative pursuits. Painting, which has always held a significant place in my heart, now coexists with my exploration of music, particularly my interest in learning classical guitar. My different passions all contribute to who I am as a person and as an artist.

查看更多的Anna Jennifer

丙烯在帆布上 | 47.2x31.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 42.1x64.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 59.1x44.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 63.8x52.8 in

