Wealth and Peace (2019) Schilderij door Huizhen Zhang Zhang Hui Zhen

pigmenten op Papier, 37x16,9 in
US$ 888
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Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 8 verzamelingen
Painter: Huizhen Zhang, vice president of the Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, vice president of the Northern China Painting Academy, first-class fine artist, specially invited painter of Shandong Painting Academy, Shandong State Guest House, specializing in elaborate style painting. Her painting style[...]
Painter: Huizhen Zhang, vice president of the Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, vice president of the Northern China Painting Academy, first-class fine artist, specially invited painter of Shandong Painting Academy, Shandong State Guest House, specializing in elaborate style painting.

Her painting style is quiet and elegant, natural and free, with bright and vivid colors, exquisite techniques and profound skills. Her works are calm and restrained, with sincere emotions, combining excitement with tranquility, and expressing lofty feelings with clarity, giving the viewer a strong aesthetic feeling.
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Kunstenaar vertegenwoordigd door 998Arts
张慧珍,中国当代书画研究院副院长,中国北方画院副院长,一级美术师,山东画院特聘画师,山东国宾馆定格工笔画家,专攻重彩工笔。其艺术简历被收录于山东国宾馆备忘录,并有多幅作品被该馆收藏并悬挂于会议大厅及总统套房,是该馆创建半个多世纪以来作品入选总统楼的唯一女画家。我国著名书画评论家、《人民日报》美术总编马克先生看了她的作品后,曾亲笔致信赞扬其“出手不凡”。 她的画风清静高雅、自然洒脱,色彩亮丽、鲜活、技法细腻,功力深厚。作品沉稳内敛,情感真挚,寓激昂于宁静、抒豪情于澄澈,给观者以强烈的审美感受。




Zhang Huizhen, vice president of the Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, vice president of the China Northern Painting Academy, first-class fine artist, special painter of Shandong Painting Academy, Shandong State Guesthouse painting artist, specializing in heavy color brushwork. Her artistic resume is included in the memorandum of the Shandong State Guest House, and a number of works have been collected by the museum and hung in the conference hall and the presidential suite, is the only female painter whose works have been selected in the presidential building since the establishment of the museum more than half a century. After seeing her works, Mr. Mark, China's famous calligraphy and painting critic and art editor-in-chief of People's Daily, wrote to her personally to praise her for her "uncommon technique".

Her painting style is quiet and elegant, natural and free, with bright and vivid colors, exquisite techniques and profound skills. Her works are calm and restrained, with sincere emotions, combining excitement with tranquility, and expressing lofty sentiments with clarity, giving the viewer a strong aesthetic feeling.His works have participated in many domestic and foreign painting and calligraphy exhibitions and won many prizes; more than a dozen domestic newspapers and magazines, radio and television news media have published his works and reported on his creations. 

Many of his works, such as peonies, lotus flowers, children worshipping the Buddha and golden monkeys subduing demons, have been collected by official institutions in Russia, Italy, Australia and the United States. His works have a high appreciation potential.

Bekijk meer van Huizhen Zhang Zhang Hui Zhen

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