CCVDD (2019) 绘画 由 Kresone


卖家 Kresone

Ci sono cose che non riuscirò a capire mai cose che vorrei davvero Dirty. #DJgruff 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 标记 [...]
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cose che
non riuscirò
a capire mai
cose che
vorrei davvero




Since I began writing I've been mostly focused on looking for a proper hand-style. I've always been more attracted by high contrast and the shape of a good tag instead of a coloured and elaborate[...]

Since I began writing I've been mostly focused on looking for a proper hand-style. I've always been more attracted by high contrast and the shape of a good tag instead of a coloured and elaborate wild-style piece. In my opinion the shapes and the structures of the letters are more interesting then the thousands of possible colour combinations you can use to represent them. I still enjoy painting pieces and the main inspiration comes from the NY classic style: clear balanced structures, well researched loop connections, bars, stars and arrows and all these classic iconic elements that graffiti writers use in a personal way in their masterpieces.

 Naturally in these cases colours are important too, but there is nothing more appropriate then a black/white or silver piece to show what your style is and what your real contribution to this field is as well. Writing for me has always been a passion to be nurtured and a priority over many aspects of ordinary life. It can drive me into a sort of ataraxia state that makes me feel complete and needless. In some cases it becomes a sort of addiction too (the adrenaline component helps), and is something hard to explain but understandable I guess since it is a strong common component of every creative process. That's why I love everything about writing, the smell of the ink, the flow of a nib on a surface, the sound of the same nib on a glass or iron door. 

Writing with sprays is fun too. The combination of tricks is extensive, the flare variations and the strokes of the different caps, and the personal wrist movement can be a distinctive mark. Everyone has his own style and I've always been focused on studying other styles and researching my own. This is a very common practice with regards to lettering. Photography is also relevant in my work. In the beginning I didn't pay much attention to immortalizing all those moments into a picture, and after thousands of photos of orthogonal graffiti subjects I realized that the most important aspect of photographing graffiti is the action component, the lights, the vibrations of the surrounding atmosphere. I've always found the art of documenting graffiti fascinating but it took me a while to understand what the beautiful magic behind all this was. It's never too late to improve. In the last few years, along with my personal view of the field, I have tried to transfer all the energy I spent in my graffiti career to something more concrete and shareable with the rest of the global artistic scene. I'm trying to set the bases for a personal path in the Calligraphy field, following the production of the entire series, taking care of the whole creative process, bringing street tools into a different and more artistically orthodox environment. Of course most parts of the project are centred on the research of the best balance of cut letter shapes and the message they carry, but I also like to cure the framing part, studying every single detail of the whole composition.



Silverpoint在亚麻帆布上 | 16.5x13.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x63 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 19.7x13.8 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 19.7x13.8 in

