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Witness Bonjisi

艺术家 (雕塑)
出生于 1976

Witness Bonjisi was born on 25 September 1976 in Mudzi, Mutoko district, into a well-known artistic family. The second of seven children, he grew up in Domboshava. In 1992, inspired by his brother Lameck Bonjisi and the well-known first-generation Zimbabwean sculptor Nicholas Mukomberanwa, he began his career as a sculptor.

He has been creating his own works since 1996. In 2002 he had his first exhibitions in San Francisco and Phoenix. Witness Bonjisi creates very contemporary sculptures. He says of himself that he is guided by his intuition when choosing a theme, and that he creates his works of art from the natural form of the stone thanks to his imagination. Witness married in 1994, has children and now lives in Harare.

His sculptures can be found in private collections and galleries around the world.


2002 Zuva Gallery, Arizona, USA2002 Shamwari Gallery, Oakland, SF, USA2003 World Economic Forum, Switzerland

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