A Hand-Held, Candle-End, Oliver Or Insolvency Fetish (1998) 雕塑 由 Wilf Tilley


卖家 Wilf Tilley

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 雕塑, 粘土 / 金属
  • 外形尺寸 高度 3.5in, 宽度 3.5in
  • 适合户外? 没有, 这件艺术品不能在户外展示
  • 分类 观念艺术 幽默
Clay model with wax candle end, boxed in a metal and glass specimen jar. Affixed to the base of the box is a lengthy, explanatory text of the fetish' use. This begins: "The recovery of money on loan by agents appointed for the purpose - often paid a percentage of recovered funds - is the second oldest profession. And those given the task[...]
Clay model with wax candle end, boxed in a metal and glass specimen jar. Affixed to the base of the box is a lengthy, explanatory text of the fetish' use. This begins: "The recovery of money on loan by agents appointed for the purpose - often paid a percentage of recovered funds - is the second oldest profession. And those given the task have always been selected for their peculiar combination of second-hand avarice and first-rate rapacity. But in the late twentieth century the extension of consumer loans via an electronically managed scheme of credit cards in which individuals often paid usurious rates of interest for unsecured borrowing created such a need for loan recovery agents or "Olivers" that they almost enjoyed social acceptability as "Insolvency Consultants"." There is also an explanation of the model's confusion with the Lord Ganesha: "Olivers are usually modeled with large "elephant" ears and a snooper's trunk-like, nose hence the confusion with Lord Ganesha." (The model is signed with a catalogue number on the based, and the dimensions provided are approximate.)


Lord GaneshaInsolvency ConsultantDebt CollectionOliversFetish

威尔夫·蒂利(迈克尔·W·米勒教授)出生于英格兰北部,16 岁时在老维克国家青年剧院演出的《安东尼与克利奥帕特拉》中开始了他的演员生涯,海伦·米伦在其中饰演克利奥帕特拉他带着一支矛。 27 岁时,“Wilf Tilley”(父母名字的组合)在伦敦 AIR 画廊首次个展中被部分采用。在伦敦皇家艺术学院获得硕士学位后,他对神经学产生了兴趣-达芬奇的解剖图通过开放大学引导牛津大学生理学、解剖学和遗传学系进行神经元建模研究。他是牛津大学圣凯瑟琳学院的院士,在科比国际医学研究中心获得两年的院士资格后,成为[...]

威尔夫·蒂利(迈克尔·W·米勒教授)出生于英格兰北部,16 岁时在老维克国家青年剧院演出的《安东尼与克利奥帕特拉》中开始了他的演员生涯,海伦·米伦在其中饰演克利奥帕特拉他带着一支矛。 27 岁时,“Wilf Tilley”(父母名字的组合)在伦敦 AIR 画廊首次个展中被部分采用。在伦敦皇家艺术学院获得硕士学位后,他对神经学产生了兴趣-达芬奇的解剖图通过开放大学引导牛津大学生理学、解剖学和遗传学系进行神经元建模研究。他是牛津大学圣凯瑟琳学院的院士,在科比国际医学研究中心获得两年的院士资格后,成为 RIKEN 脑科学研究所的创始人成员,然后是高级顾问,在那里他设计了脑科学探索馆(BrainBox)。威尔夫举办过八次个展,参加过国际群展,并于 2003 年在日本举办了首次回顾展(《神经神话学家及其他作品》)。一部小说(《人妖谋杀案》)入围 2003 年新作家印象奖。 2015年。2017年11月/12月,他在东京弗雷德里克哈里斯画廊举办了第二次回顾展。最近的一幅肖像画(Manami-san)是英国新光艺术奖展览的一部分,在全国五家画廊巡回展出(2023-2024 年)。

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