DIGITAL CASCADE #6 (2023) 数字艺术 由 Virgil Quinn

数字艺术, 44.9x41.7 in
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In the swiftly evolving landscape of modern art, Transhuman Art crystallizes as a pioneering realm, poised to radically redefine entrenched paradigms surrounding sexuality and individual identity. This avant-garde discipline eclipses the limitations imposed by biological corporeality, offering an intricate lens through which to scrutinize the fluidity[...]
In the swiftly evolving landscape of modern art, Transhuman Art crystallizes as a pioneering realm, poised to radically redefine entrenched paradigms surrounding sexuality and individual identity. This avant-garde discipline eclipses the limitations imposed by biological corporeality, offering an intricate lens through which to scrutinize the fluidity of sexual articulation. Mirroring the seismic shifts engendered by the sexual revolution of the 1960s—which shattered long-standing societal inhibitions and expanded the ambit of personal liberties—Transhuman Art heralds the onset of an unprecedented sexual metamorphosis. This emergent epoch is unencumbered by corporeal impediments, attributable to the symbiotic amalgamation of technological innovation and aesthetic exploration.

Artists navigating this exhilarating frontier impel us to reevaluate the human condition, liberating sexuality from its orthodox trappings. The assimilation of cutting-edge technologies—spanning from robotics and immersive virtual environments to sentient artificial intelligence confidants and bio-augmentation—infuses the domain with newfound layers of intricacy and emancipation. This is not mere artistry for its own aesthetic merits; rather, it functions as a potent catalyst, invigorating a vision for a future in which the complexities of sexual identity are not just acknowledged but exuberantly exalted through sophisticated and inventive articulation.



Virgil Quinn is a multifaceted artist whose journey into the world of art began at the tender age of five. Gifted a set of watercolor paints by his parents, young Virgil found his first muse in the portraits[...]

Virgil Quinn is a multifaceted artist whose journey into the world of art began at the tender age of five. Gifted a set of watercolor paints by his parents, young Virgil found his first muse in the portraits featured in a French Larousse dictionary. This early exposure ignited a lifelong passion for art that has only intensified over the years.

As he matured, Virgil expanded his artistic horizons to include photography, capturing the world through a different lens but with the same keen eye for detail and beauty. His work seamlessly blends traditional techniques with modern perspectives, making him a versatile artist in both the realms of painting and photography.

In a world teetering between utopian dreams and apocalyptic fears, Virgil Quinn emerges as a luminary in the field of transhuman art. Melding traditional mediums with groundbreaking digital techniques, Quinn's work serves as a provocative inquiry into the intertwined destinies of man and machine. Each piece is not merely a work of art, but a philosophic meditation, urging us to contemplate the moral and ethical tapestry of a society increasingly shaped by technology.

As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving world, Virgil Quinn’s art serves as a moral compass. He doesn't offer answers but ignites questions, compelling us to consider whether we will be the creators of our own salvation or the architects of our demise. In Quinn’s world, art is not a passive observer but an active participant in the discourse of humanity's future.


Virgil is the Author of the Transhumanist Art Manifesto

1. Introduction
As Transhumanist Artists, our intent is to illuminate the human condition using technology, to transcend the traditional constraints of art and of humanity itself. Our aim is to probe the interplay between mankind and machine, encouraging a fusion that could elevate our perception and existence.

2. The Art of the Augmented
We aim to portray the augmented human, an entity ascending beyond natural human limitations. Our work reflects the possibilities brought about by intersecting creativity, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, nanotechnology, and other scientific advancements. We strive to inspire imaginations about post-human futures, transmuting science into vivid, tangible experiences.

3. Creativity and Consciousness
Our mission involves expanding the flexibility and function of the human mind. We reject the notion that consciousness is confined to biological systems, but rather explore the postulates of artificial intellect, digital consciousness, and the singularity. We propose to delve into realms where creativity and artificial consciousness converge, catalyzing compelling discussions about humanity's future.

4. Fluidity and Form
We embrace fluidity in our work, believing that human forms can be reinvented, transformed, and transcended. We reject static notions of identity, preferring to envision the human being as a dynamic entity, open to revisions

查看更多的Virgil Quinn

数字艺术 | 43.3x43.3 in
数字艺术 | 43.3x43.3 in
数字艺术 | 44.9x28.7 in

