Jesters (2023) 绘画 由 Varvara Arseneva [Varta]

丙烯在帆布上, 11.8x11.8 in
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The painting seems to capture a poignant moment of vulnerability and weariness experienced by the two jesters after a performance. Depicting them on a smoke break, it suggests a brief respite from their role as entertainers. However, rather than exuding joy or contentment, the jesters appear melancholic and introspective. The jester holding[...]
The painting seems to capture a poignant moment of vulnerability and weariness experienced by the two jesters after a performance. Depicting them on a smoke break, it suggests a brief respite from their role as entertainers. However, rather than exuding joy or contentment, the jesters appear melancholic and introspective.

The jester holding his head showcases a gesture of distress or exhaustion. This could allude to the mental and emotional toll that their profession may have on them. The weight on his head could symbolize the burden of their comedic personas or perhaps the challenges they face when attempting to genuinely express themselves.

On the other hand, the jester sitting in the lotus position with a pipe portrays a contrasting image. The lotus position traditionally signifies meditation, inner calm, and seeking enlightenment. Despite being surrounded by the remnants of their performance, he appears more tranquil and contemplative. The pipe could represent a form of escapism, as he seeks solace and relaxation through it.

The fact that the jesters still have their makeup on, despite the performance being over, could symbolize the difficulty of shedding their roles. It may imply that even during their break or personal time, they are still haunted by the expectations and façades they must maintain while in their jesters' personas.

Overall, the painting captures a sense of the jesters' hidden struggles, highlighting the challenges they face in balancing their public roles with their personal emotions. It evokes a theme of the duality of their existence, revealing the contrast between the external appearance they present to the world and the inner turmoil they may silently endure.



I began my creative journey from childhood (I studied in studios), then, under the guidance of my parents, I received a technical higher education, but I did not give up my dream of becoming an artist. At the[...]

I began my creative journey from childhood (I studied in studios), then, under the guidance of my parents, I received a technical higher education, but I did not give up my dream of becoming an artist. At the same time, I studied graphic design, and then took a master’s program in the management of cultural projects. Painting remained a hobby. But one day everything changed. By coincidence, I received three orders for paintings at once, then they bought several more old works and I realized that my journey as an artist had definitely begun. I was born in Russia, but after tragic events in my homeland I went to live in Serbia. This is a new stage in my development as an artist.Every brush stroke, every combination of vibrant colors and every symbol in my paintings allows me to immerse myself in a world of fantasy and explore the depths of human emotion. It is a path of constant growth, learning and self-discovery.

查看更多的Varvara Arseneva [Varta]

丙烯在帆布上 | 23.6x19.7 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x11.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 23.6x31.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x11.8 in

