Valentin Altanets Image de profil

Valentin Altanets

Artiste (Dessin)
1936 - 1995

Valentin Altanets (1936-1995) - a famous Ukrainian nonconformist artist, painter and graphic artist, whose works attract attention with brightness and saturation of color, unique play of light and shadow, ability to convey the soul of man and nature. Odessa school of painting, the artist worked on the design of theater posters.


1962 – Graduated from the Odessa Art School.1992 – One of the founders of the creative association "Choven."1993 – Admitted to the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.Active participant in the Odessa non-conformist movement.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
1978 – Editorial Office of the newspaper "Znamya Kommunizma" (Banner of Communism). Odessa, USSR.1979 – House of Actors. Odessa, USSR.1983 – Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists. Odessa, USSR.1997 – Odessa Art Museum. Odessa, USSR.2007 – Exhibition Hall of the Department of Internal Policy of the Odessa City Council. Odessa, Ukraine.
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2013 – "Odessa School. Traditions and Relevance." Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine (catalog).2013 – "Odessa School. Traditions and Relevance." ArtDonbass Art and Exhibition Center, Donetsk, Ukraine (catalog).2010 – II Fine Art Ukraine. Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine.2008 – "How Young You Were... Odessa Non-Conformist Artists. 60s-80s of the 20th Century in the Collections of Felix Kukhricht and Anatoliy Dymchuk." NT-Art Gallery, Odessa, Ukraine (catalog).1996 – Exhibition of creative associations "Art Club-96," "Choven." Museum of Ukrainian Contemporary Art. Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine (catalog).1994 – Exhibition of the creative association "Choven." Museum of Western and Eastern Art. Odessa, Ukraine.
Works in Museum Collections:
National Art Museum of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine.Museum of Contemporary Fine Arts of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine.Art Museum. Odessa, Ukraine.Odessa State Literary Museum. Odessa, Ukraine.Museum of Contemporary Art of Odessa. Odessa, Ukraine.

Découvrez les oeuvres d'art contemporain de Valentin Altanets, parcourez les oeuvres d'art récentes et achetez en ligne. Catégories: artistes contemporains ukrainiens. Domaines artistiques: Dessin. Artiste représenté par Kobzar ART. Type de compte: Artiste , membre depuis 2024 (Pays d'origine Ukraine). Achetez les dernières œuvres de Valentin Altanets sur Artmajeur: Découvrez de superbes oeuvres par l'artiste contemporain Valentin Altanets. Parcourez ses oeuvres d'art, achetez des oeuvres originales ou des impressions haut de gamme.

Valentin Altanets Image de profil Grand

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