mile 216824, April.14.14 Time:4.14pmM (2021) 绘画 由 Uriel Romero

丙烯在帆布上, 60x48 in
价格: 免费送货
发货地: 美国 (管) 在2天
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Driving with my eyes closed. A series of works inspired by the daily work commute, the endless hours spent on the road counting seconds go by and day dreaming of what if. Titles of the pieces refer to specific place and time on my 487,567 +/- miles journey from 08.04.08 to 05.21.21. [...]
Driving with my eyes closed.
A series of works inspired by the daily work commute, the endless hours spent on the road counting seconds go by and day dreaming of what if. Titles of the pieces refer to specific place and time on my 487,567 +/- miles journey from 08.04.08 to 05.21.21.



Uromero  has called the Coachella Valley home since 2008. His artist studio in the vibrant art community of Palm Springs, provides him with infinite artistic challenges to create and deliver his work to the[...]

Uromero  has called the Coachella Valley home since 2008. His artist studio in the vibrant art community of Palm Springs, provides him with infinite artistic challenges to create and deliver his work to the discriminating taste of his audience. Artist has an Associate in Arts from Chaffey Community College. His former artistic education is photography, however he continues to learn and explore new mediums to create his work. Inspired by mass media and the globalization of culture. He believes the mind of an artist, its ideas and tough processes are the ownership of the individual who has the ability to create, invent and deliver his ideas to the viewer. For him the challenge is to create the perfect image whether it’s photographic, painted, manipulated by a digital device or a composition of found images. He says he does not know for sure what art is, but he would never stop to think twice before making an image even if it's plain stupid art, which he believes he does on a daily basis.

查看更多的Uriel Romero

丙烯在纸上 | 18x12 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 26.5x26.5 in
丙烯在纸上 | 18x12 in
拼贴在纸板上 | 8x8 in

