Diana at the Hunt (2012) 图画 由 Toni Barca

图画, 14x11 in
价格: 免费送货
客户评价 (21)
发货地: 美国
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最大分辨率: 483 x 650 px

卖家 Toni Barca

  • 原创艺术品 图画,
  • 外形尺寸 高度 14in, 宽度 11in
  • 分类 画图 低于US$1,000
The goddess Diana hunts- 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 技术 图画 绘图是一种在平面支撑上进行视觉表示的技术。术语“绘图”既指绘图的动作、产生的图形工作,也指任何对象的形状。它也是物体或图形的形状(以及可能的光和影值)的表面上的表示,而不是它们的颜色。画法有很多种:“直线画”用物体的轮廓、边缘和一些特征线来表现物体;超出这个限制,绘画通过阴影表现体积来发展,通常通过阴影,结合颜色,并在没有清晰过渡的情况下加入绘画。 [...]
The goddess Diana hunts-


Goddesses Diana Huntress Nude

I was born in Paris, France For #twinflame content and #hypnotherapypastlife please go to my tiktok account at sacredintimacytarot I have over 20K that is the right account I was fourteen[...]

I was born in Paris, France

For #twinflame content and #hypnotherapypastlife please go to my tiktok account at sacredintimacytarot I have over 20K that is the right account

I was fourteen years old by the time I had traveled the globe, and lived in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. These jaunts across the world were launched by my father, who can only be described as a modern day pirate and a bon vivant.

In 2006 I began to work on my breast cancer series which evolved from a series of events during my young life that would impact my art as an adult.

At the age of ten,I heard the profound and heartbreaking story that a top British model had undergone a double mastectomy. She was a family friend and my mother said to her girlfriend," Her boyfriend left her because he was so turned off by the scars." I never did learn what happened to that model after being abandoned but I can only imagine her implosion.

During that same period, for reasons I still don't full understand, I was drawing Amazons. I had heard that Amazons would loop off their left breast to become a better archer. Imagine that?

35 years later, I'm sitting in a lab sketching an amazon on her knees, arrows in her tight fist, her bow slung across her shoulders and her prominent scar where her breast would have been-- At that moment it hit me right between the eyes- Amazons! Breast Cancer! Warriors!!!

To be a breast cancer survivor transformed a woman into an Amazon. From that point on I never looked back. It became my raison D'etre. I drew these women rediscovering themselves and re-defining their intimate relationships with their lovers.

I've searched the net for erotic drawings of breast cancer survivors and their lovers- Not porn, just good easy on the eyes art, but nothing came up--not even porn art on the subject.

I searched for pillow books for breast cancer survivors and their lovers but again nothing. I realized that there was a need.

Back in 2013, I was honored to be invited to the USC Breast Cancer Symposium where three of the breast cancer series were displayed- During that same year, the Pasadena Weekly featured me as artist of the week. In August of the same year, Whole Person featured my work for their cover and featured interview.

out of the blue and after much meditations, I was given a stipend from the Hay House in 2013 to publish a pillow book for breast cancer survivors and their lovers, I titled it, Songs of Solomon: A Pillow Book for Breast Cancer Survivors & Their Lovers.

The stipend was not what Hay House usually funded. Allow me to share more detail, in a reply to my proposal, Shelly Anderson( Ms. Hays Assistant) said, we never donate to such projects but we hope that this check for $1,500 will assist you in birthing this very important project. It did.

I was honored to have Susan Winter write the forward, she is a NY Times Best selling author, of Oprah's pick-- Older Women, Younger Men. Ten of my pieces are archived in the Kinsey Institutes library for sex research.

查看更多的Toni Barca

图画 | 12x9 in
图画 | 12x9 in
图画 | 14x11 in
图画 | 14x11 in

