Tetiana Blyzenko Изображение профиля

Tetiana Blyzenko

San Francisco, California, Соединенные Штаты
Художник (Картина, Цифровое искусство)
Родился в неизвестная дата
Creativity is my life! «Creative work is a wonderful, unusually hard and amazingly joyful work. » These words, perhaps, most accurately describe me.

Creativity is my life! Am I, Tatiana, an "orchestra person"? And it's not about music at all. As in an orchestra, many instruments sound harmonious and play the same tune, so I draw with different materials, in different techniques and directions and get the music of creativity.

I am a Ukrainian artist - was born, I live and create in Odessa in 1976. At the moment I live forcedly in Moldova. The teacher with more than 25 years experience, 1st category teacher, artist, interior designer, leading master classes, teaching children and adults, leading art marathons and the project "Drawing without Borders" - online lessons in watercolor and dry pastel.

I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. I received a classical higher art education in SUSPU named after Ushinsky as a teacher of visual arts and drawing.  I began to draw at the same time as I began to walk and since then I have not a minute to stop.

I am an honest and open person. I love to share knowledge with others and really enjoy the fact that my efforts have helped, gone to good use, that the student is moving forward. I am a workaholic, combine a lot of areas and began to paint independently very recently in 2021, despite my experience. I prefer watercolor and dry pastel; the main works are made with these materials. Also I draw in digital - fudimages, interior and event sketches, people and...

Where do I get my inspiration from? Because of my daily hustle and bustle and my multi-tasking, the only inspiration is nature. I love to draw nature, architecture and still life. I am inspired by my travels, the world around me, the air, the details of nature. My paintings gravitate towards realism, but sometimes I can let my emotions go and pour them out in my works))) I look for beauty in the simple things. Some of my paintings are also wishlists - places where I have not yet been, but would like to visit.

I love watercolor in all its manifestations - inimitable bright and airy painting. And I also liked the soft pastel for its softness, velvety and tenderness.  My inquisitive mind keeps me busy and I like to experiment with modern techniques of interior painting, InkArt and FluidArt.

My art is an expression of my love for the world, which aims to inspire the viewer, to awaken self-reflection, to bring a sense of healing and harmony with the world around me, to love nature and appreciate its riches.

I want my work to inspire you and become an expressive accent that complements and enriches your interior.

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Tetiana Blyzenko Изображение профиля Большой

Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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