" Forged Through Will " (2019) 彫刻 Scott Wilkes によって

彫刻 - 金属, 26x20 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Scott Wilkes
お客様のレビュー (13)
発送元: アメリカ合衆国
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 彫刻, 金属の 金属
  • 寸法 高さ 26in, 幅 20in / 37.00 lb
  • 屋外に適しています? ノー, この作品は屋外では表示できません
  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $5,000未満 造形美術
“Forged Through Will “ Completion date nov 21 2019 This piece was created by hand through a series of welding , shaping, painting cussin and a bit of fury. It is only my second male form to date and it also is somewhat of a conceptual not actual self portrait. It stands 26 inches tall x 20 inches wide x 12 inches deep and[...]
“Forged Through Will “

Completion date nov 21 2019

This piece was created by hand through a series of welding , shaping, painting cussin and a bit of fury. It is only my second male form to date and it also is somewhat of a conceptual not actual self portrait. It stands 26 inches tall x 20 inches wide x 12 inches deep and weighs 37 pounds . its mounted on a steel plate so it can stand tall and stable which is 16 inches x 12 inches.

To me the artist:
As I have said this piece is my second self portrait yet wanting to express fully its a conceptual piece NOT and actual self portrait. I will say though that the actual form has to do with my brothers recent metamorphosis and the actual physical form does resemble him. I wanted to give him credit for his impact on this piece which I’m sure he will like it. it also should be noted and even though this is somewhat of a self portrait it some of the feeling about being forged does apply to him as well on more than one level but not on all.. My very first sculpture was called “ the ill fitting holes in my armor “ and it was a self portrait also on a conceptual level. I made it at basically the beginning of the war with myself and the love that I was loosing. I chose to make this second piece because I felt I wanted to express something further .. I lost my exwife to drugs and mental illness. I was left to raise our child by myself but spent years trying to help my ex to no avail. While all this was going on I was working so many hours per week at times I was working hours for 2 full time jobs and some overtime. I was working at my JOB and when I came home I did side work and sculpted. I once went 136 days without a day off because even when I didnt have to go to work I kept working becuase I knew I had to keep pressing forward to be able to succeed. This pieces is a representation of the inner strength yet all the holes in me. It takes inner strength to muscle all of the weight of the world, and when your personal world is under siege you can still expand beyond normal limits which in some ways leaves holes in you .But they are like battle scares ,, they should be looked at like badges of honor and incorporated in to you being.
I do hope that this piece shows in the way the plight of single fathers and the men who just won’t give up.. I also want to give a note ,, this piece also has some inspiration to my very good friend “ Smallz “ . Cause he has been just that kind of father ,, He was a touch weak at the start ,,, but HE IS A GOOD DAD! ( WHOO WHOO ) (( he will get that but you won’t )) ((( IRON ARMY ! )))



スコット・ウィルクスは現代アメリカの彫刻家です。 Wilkes は金属を扱っており、彼の目標は、多くの点で通常は冷たく、硬く、硬く、粗いと見なされている媒体を使用して、柔らかさ、暖かさ、動き、流れを伝えるものを作ることです.彼の彫刻の主な主題は女性の形です。 [...]

スコット・ウィルクスは現代アメリカの彫刻家です。 Wilkes は金属を扱っており、彼の目標は、多くの点で通常は冷たく、硬く、硬く、粗いと見なされている媒体を使用して、柔らかさ、暖かさ、動き、流れを伝えるものを作ることです.彼の彫刻の主な主題は女性の形です。

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