Colorful watercolor painting of Garlic (2020) 絵画 Samira Yanushkova によって

紙の水彩画, 22.1x15 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (18)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

Samira Yanushkova が販売



最大解像度: 2505 x 3821 px

Samira Yanushkova が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, 紙の 水彩画
  • 寸法 高さ 22.1in, 幅 15in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 表現主義
The picture is best suited for the interiors of the bedroom, kitchen, living room, hallway. This picture will warm and delight you with its sunny mood. ✍︎ Original Art - Watercolor Painting by Samira Yanushkova The artwork is titled and signed on the front. ✎ Note This artwork is sold unframed [...]
The picture is best suited for the interiors of the bedroom, kitchen, living room, hallway.

This picture will warm and delight you with its sunny mood.

✍︎ Original Art - Watercolor Painting by Samira Yanushkova
The artwork is titled and signed on the front.

✎ Note
This artwork is sold unframed

№ ART-206


HeartwarmingCordialSoulfulAliveContemporary Painting

My name is Samira Yanushkova. I was born on August 24, 1981, in Odessa, Ukraine. In 1998, I graduated from a public education school in Pershotravensk. After that, I entered a faculty of decorative and applied[...]

My name is Samira Yanushkova. I was born on August 24, 1981, in Odessa, Ukraine. In 1998, I graduated from a public education school in Pershotravensk. After that, I entered a faculty of decorative and applied art of Dnipro Theatre and Art College. I graduated in 2003.

In  2008 I received my diploma from the faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Art Studies. 

I am a certified watercolor artist.

Throughout the years of my career, I have participated in dozens of exhibitions. Among the most prominent events were the International Watercolor exhibition Ukraine 2018, IWS Czech Republic 1st International Watercolor Festival 2018, Art Zurich 2019, and Our Wonderful World, 2020. Participation in IFAM Global, Golden brash contest ‘Love Peace & Tolerance Through Art’ brought me an award. In 2021, I participated in the World of Modern Watercolor event with the painting ‘Garlic’. In the same year, I entered a list of top - 100 painters of the USA. In the same year the painting “Fisherman’ was presented at Brushstrokes of Harmony in California. My paintings have been exhibited on many continents in many countries like Russia, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam, Turkey, Indonesia and more. 

My paintings display energy, color, and brightness. I am using watercolors because they help me recreate the world in my paintings. I am inspired by nature and its colors. If I needed to describe my art in short, I would say that I catch the sunbeams with my paintbrush. My job is my hobby at the same time, and I enjoy every moment spent on painting. 

Samira Yanushkovaからもっと見る

紙の水彩画 | 22.1x29.9 in
紙の鉛筆 | 16.1x11.4 in
紙の水彩画 | 16.1x11.4 in
紙の水彩画 | 16.1x11.4 in

