Тёшинские кувшинки. Teshin's water lilies (2021) Картина - Андрей Жилов


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Продавец Андрей Жилов

Этюд, написанный в конце августа, на берегу реки Тёша, близ г. Арзамас. Все лето я проезжал мимо этого места, глядя на цветущие кувшинки, только к моему приезду они уже отцвели, но в памяти, на этюде, они цветут! Быстро смеркалось, поэтому немного дополнил работу после просушки. A sketch, written at the end of August, on the banks of the[...]
Этюд, написанный в конце августа, на берегу реки Тёша, близ г. Арзамас. Все лето я проезжал мимо этого места, глядя на цветущие кувшинки, только к моему приезду они уже отцвели, но в памяти, на этюде, они цветут! Быстро смеркалось, поэтому немного дополнил работу после просушки.

A sketch, written at the end of August, on the banks of the Tyosha River, near the town of Arzamas. All summer I drove past this place, looking at the blooming water lilies, only by my arrival they had already faded, but in my memory, on the sketch, they bloom! It was getting dark quickly, so I added a bit of work after drying.

Связанные темы


Arzamas Art School named after Stupina Love for Russian nature in the depiction of such masters as Shishkin, Savrasov, Levitan is reflected in the artist's work. In subsequent years, Alexander Ivanovich[...]

Arzamas Art School named after Stupina
Love for Russian nature in the depiction of such masters as Shishkin, Savrasov, Levitan is reflected in the artist's work. In subsequent years, Alexander Ivanovich Segin, a painter, art critic, academician, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, had a significant influence on the formation of the artistic style. His fair, sometimes critical remarks have become an excellent school of painting. All this, together with fieldwork, formed the basis of many of the paintings presented.
Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists since 2016.

•In November 2015, an exposition of the artist's works was held within the framework of the group exhibition "Fresh Look" in the city exhibition hall of Arzamas.

•In May 2016, the artist's personal exhibition "Under the Sky of the Motherland" took place in the exhibition hall of Arzamas, which included works written in the period 2009-2016.
•November 2016 The artist's works participate in the exhibition "Works of Young Artists" of the "Creative Environments" club by Natalia Bogorodskaya in the Central House of Artists in Moscow.
•March 2017 The painting "At the Sunset of August .." takes first place at the international painting competition in the landscape category, held as part of the exhibition "Russian Art Week. Spring 2017 " at the Moscow House of Artists.

The paintings are in private collections in Russia, Canada, Israel, China, Greece, USA.
Lives and works in the city of Arzamas.

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