turquoise-blue mosque (2020) Картина - Aliia Giliazova

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Продавец Aliia Giliazova

Бумага изобразительного искусства, 9x8 in
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Льняной холст
  • Размеры Высота 23,6in, Ширина 19,7in
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 500 $
По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Масло Краска, состоящая из пигментов, связанных с льняным маслом или гвоздиками. Традиционная[...]
I am interested in the balance between decorative, contemporary art and classical, work from nature. Recently, I have been more interested in fantasy worlds and stylization. Мне интересен баланс между[...]

I am interested in the balance between decorative, contemporary art and classical, work from nature. Recently, I have been more interested in fantasy worlds and stylization.
Мне интересен баланс между декоративным, современным искусством и классическим, работой с натуры. Последнее время меня больше увлекает создание фантастических миров и стилизация, создание образов.
My path of study was long, more than 10 years, these were:
School of Fashion and Design, art college, Academy of Arts(theater painting ) in St. Petersburg. From design to painting. I am constantly trying to bridge the gap between contemporary art and classical work from nature, between design and art as a process. I love experiments in creativity. Recently, bright colors, stylization, images of characters have been interesting. But the fun part is creating fantastic worlds! I always want the picture to be a window to a kind world, like an amulet to protect us from a cruel reality. My paintings are filled with symbols. I want the viewer to look with a child's eyes again, an alien about amazing things, thinking about how different or the same we are, about the cultures imposing their views.
I am inspired by surrealism and oriental art, creation of worlds and painting from nature.

Смотреть ещё Aliia Giliazova

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Масло на Холст | 19,7x19,7 in
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Масло на картон | 11,8x7,9 in
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Масло на Холст | 11,8x11,8 in
Не для продажи
Масло на Холст | 11,8x11,8 in
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