Attraction (2007) デジタルアーツ Robbie によって




最大解像度: 650 x 458 px

Robbie が販売

  • この作品は「オープンエディション」です デジタルアーツ, ジークレープリント / デジタルプリント
  • 寸法 利用可能ないくつかのサイズ
  • 利用可能ないくつかのサポート (ファインアート紙, 金属への印刷, キャンバスプリント)
  • フレーミング 利用可能なフレーミング (フローティングフレーム+アンダーグラス, フレーム+アクリルガラスの下)
This giclee is available in sizes from 8"x10" up to 40"x60" on canvas, art paper or sheer habotai silk as apparel in the larger sizes. Please contact Robbie for pricing information and specific size availability: この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル[...]
This giclee is available in sizes from 8"x10" up to 40"x60" on canvas, art paper or sheer habotai silk as apparel in the larger sizes. Please contact Robbie for pricing information and specific size availability:
Hi, Everybody, My background is eclectic in that I have considered my formal education as work and the various jobs I’ve had as primarily educational. My interest is centered in communication.[...]

Hi, Everybody,
My background is eclectic in that I have considered my formal education as work and the various
jobs I’ve had as primarily educational.

My interest is centered in communication. It was with that in mind that I studied English and
linguistics in college until I realized that verbal communication is a wonderful tool for communicating
on some levels, but that it is woefully inadequate for imparting meaning on other levels. For example, every part of a sailboat and every action pertaining to each has a specific nomenclature without which successful sailing would be nearly impossible.

However, to communicate impressions; abstract concepts; thoughts pertaining to the subjective,
intimate processes that are actually the more essential aspects of our personalities, language fails.

For that reason I have come to rely on visual media to attempt to show what I think and feel about that which is verbally inexpressible. I use several computer programs to create, combine and to render graphics that serve my need to express. The process is rather complex and is accomplished in several separate, but related stages from conceptualization to sketching to generating models to assembling scenes, applying textures, defining colors, adjusting parameters, rendering and finally, printing the composition. To create a single work from start to finish requires many hours to complete. A common misconception is that computers make jobs effortless. In truth, the computer is simply another medium through which one may work to create. The creative impulse always lies within the artist, not the computer nor the brush.

Best regards,



デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ

