天真的艺术家 民间画家 天真的彩色绘画 城市天际线景观 以色列画家拉斐尔佩雷斯的摩天大楼作品 来自他的艺术工作室的照片 绘画 由 Raphael Perez


Raphael Perez 出售



最大分辨率: 5352 x 1778 px

Raphael Perez 出售

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 丙烯 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 39.4in, 宽度 118.1in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 天真的艺术 景观
拉斐尔·佩雷斯 以色列画家拉斐尔佩雷斯天真的绘画的特点处理一种天真的艺术,这种艺术通常以以色列和世界各地的城市绘画为特征,在每个城市中,拉斐尔选择地点,著名的标志性建筑,也有 特殊的建筑形式,拉斐尔用大量的植被精心重建城市,林荫大道上满是树荫,大树,植物和花坛,在许多作品中也有画家的身影 谁画的画,气球,风筝什么的都能营造出天真快乐的气氛,画的大多是男女亲吻的情侣,或者是一男一女一家三口的画,一个中心 主题是幼儿园的孩子们排成一排,在队伍的开头,一位幼儿园老师带着彩绘城市的国旗走着,几个穿着红色连衣裙的女孩,还有一位幼儿园老师在队伍的尽头,当每个人都在挥舞着国旗时 旗帜,场景是日常生活中的田园诗,忙于赞美纯真,使用充满活力的鲜艳色彩,符合儿童的视角。 这些画很容易理解和解释,简单是她最突出的特点之一。[...]
拉斐尔·佩雷斯 以色列画家拉斐尔佩雷斯天真的绘画的特点处理一种天真的艺术,这种艺术通常以以色列和世界各地的城市绘画为特征,在每个城市中,拉斐尔选择地点,著名的标志性建筑,也有 特殊的建筑形式,拉斐尔用大量的植被精心重建城市,林荫大道上满是树荫,大树,植物和花坛,在许多作品中也有画家的身影 谁画的画,气球,风筝什么的都能营造出天真快乐的气氛,画的大多是男女亲吻的情侣,或者是一男一女一家三口的画,一个中心 主题是幼儿园的孩子们排成一排,在队伍的开头,一位幼儿园老师带着彩绘城市的国旗走着,几个穿着红色连衣裙的女孩,还有一位幼儿园老师在队伍的尽头,当每个人都在挥舞着国旗时 旗帜,场景是日常生活中的田园诗,忙于赞美纯真,使用充满活力的鲜艳色彩,符合儿童的视角。 这些画很容易理解和解释,简单是她最突出的特点之一。 拉斐尔在他的画作中表达了他内心对我们的世界应该是什么样子的渴望。 这种愿景以多种颜色和乐观积极的世界观表达。

1. 讲一个简单的故事,从日常生活中汲取灵感,通常是与人类的故事。
3. 无法保持透视——主要是细节,即使是远处的细节。
4. 大量使用重复图案——很多细节。
5. 温暖而强烈的色彩。
7. 大多数数字是扁平的,缺乏体积,尽管并非总是如此。
8. 对质地、表情、正确的比例和解剖学没有兴趣。

是一位以色列画家,专攻朴素绘画。 他为中国苏州金鸡湖双年展创作了一系列作品。 拉斐尔画了四幅2米半的巨幅画作。 最著名的画作是“盆景花园”,他描绘了这座城市著名的运河及其桥梁和这座城市辉煌过去的标志性建筑,以及现在的塔楼和摩天大楼。 另一幅名为《上海》的画作描绘了著名的长廊及其摩天大楼和建筑物。 这幅画用灯笼描绘了夜晚,并将城市的现代部分与过去宏伟的古迹相结合,例如位于湖中的寺庙、传统的龙舟、放置在城市中的雕像和其他著名的地标。 第三幅画是《北京世界公园》,他用朴素的笔触画了40多座纪念性建筑。 在这幅画中,拉斐尔用很多众所周知的建筑给大家一个认同。 第四幅画名为《苏州大道》,是一幅色彩缤纷的画作,红、橙、黄等暖色调与绿树成荫、绿草如茵的对比强烈,晴朗的天空在浓烈的色彩中增添了沉稳的气息。 在这幅画中,拉斐尔重建了城市,规划了林荫大道,低矮的标志性建筑在前,在后面是摩天大楼。

第六届“苏州·金鸡湖双年展” 共设有三大主题展、20个平行展,以及主旨论坛和美育活动,于2023年4月15日至6月25日期间举办,展期70天。围绕“生动江南 立体苏州”这一主题,本届双年展得到了全球各地艺术家的广泛回应和支持,吸引了来自17个国家的100余位艺术家,共2000多件作品参展,以国际化视野多形式、多角度诠释苏州的江南文化特色。
本届双年展邀请国际著名雕塑家、全国政协副秘书长、中国美术家协会副主席、中国美术馆馆长、第十三届民盟中央副主席吴为山担任学术总主持,由巴黎克鲁兹·迭斯工作室总监小卡洛斯•克鲁兹•迭斯,全国政协委员、北京画院院长吴洪亮,南京大学教授、江苏省雕塑家协会主席、中国雕塑家协会副秘书长尚荣担任联合策展人,分别在苏州中心、金鸡湖美术馆、李公堤文化创意街区举办 “我们,渐入佳境——国际前沿艺术展”“虹——来自桥的世界当代艺术展” “第六届中国青年雕塑展” 三大主题展,同时还将推出20个形态多样、亮点纷呈的平行展活动,“双年展之旅”艺术巴士、“艺术无边界”跨界联名、“视听双年展”大咖导览等300余场美育活动,推动金鸡湖双年展成为“艺术的盛会,人民大众的节日”,向世界展现出一个生机无限,充满文化韵味和活力气息的当代江南、精神家园。



Raphael perez Hebrew name rafi peretz was born into a traditional family and grew up in Jerusalem.  Family biography Raphael Perez father, Shimon Perez, worked as a receptionist at Hadassah Ein Kerem[...]

Raphael perez Hebrew name rafi peretz was born into a traditional family and grew up in Jerusalem.

 Family biography Raphael Perez father, Shimon Perez, worked as a receptionist at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. His great love was art, but as a breadwinner, he could not fulfill his dream of becoming an artist. Raphael’s mother,  Alice Aliza Perez, worked as an assistant to a kindergarten teacher and later took care of a baby at home. She loved gardening and nature, and together with her husband, created a magnificent garden.

Raphael has several siblings. His elder brother David Perez repented in his mid-twenties and brought many people back to repentance. His sister Hana Peretz raised eight children and worked in the field of education. His brother Avi (Abraham) Peretz studied Philosophy and Judaism in Israel before moving to the United States where he completed his master’s degree in education and became a conservative rabbi. His fourth brother is Asher Peretz, who is very fond of traveling and has been to magical places all over the world. Raphael is the fifth sibling and has a twin brother named Miki (Michael) Peretz, who is a talented industrial designer. The youngest sibling is Shlomit Peretz, who has been involved in the Bezeq telephone company for almost three decades.

 Peretz). In the IDF, he served in the Artillery Corps. He worked for 15 years in education in therapeutic settings for children and taught art and movement.
Peretz is a graduate of the Center for Visual Arts in Be'er Sheva, where he studied from 1989-1992. He has been painting since 1989 and since 1999 earns a living only from selling art. Since 1995 he has lived and worked from his studio in Tel Aviv.
Between the ages of 17 and 32, he wrote about forty diaries, sketchbooks and artist books in which he wrote daily and described his thoughts, experiences and feelings and his struggle with his homosexual sexual orientations. He later adorned the diaries with illustrations and drawings. The diaries were presented in a solo exhibition at Camera Obscura and in a group exhibition at the Sommer Gallery.
In his work, starting in 1995, he dealt with relationships, initially with relationships between men and women, in which complex relationships between men and women can be seen. In addition to explicit paintings, he created series of flower paintings, as a metaphor for the relationship between a man and a woman.
At the age of 32 he came out of the closet and began to draw relationships between men. At first, the paintings express hesitation and imperfection, while Peretz does not reveal the faces of the cartoonists. After his first love for a man in 1999 and coming to terms with his sexual orientation, the paintings became peaceful and he presented the homosexual relationship in an ideal way. Peretz has created a series of naive paintings that deal with loving relationships between men and common daily activities in the home environment. Over the years he painted his mates.

查看更多的Raphael Perez

丙烯在木上 | 27.6x47.2 in
油在帆布上 | 39.4x63 in
油在帆布上 | 35.4x23.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 59.1x78.7 in

