new york NY paintings art raphael perez famous places (2010) 絵画 Raphael Perez によって


Raphael Perezからもっと見る



Raphael Perez が販売



最大解像度: 900 x 904 px

Raphael Perez が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの アクリル
  • 寸法 高さ 59.1in, 幅 59.1in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ ナイーブアート 風景
拉斐尔·佩雷斯 (Raphael Perez) 是一位以色列艺术家,他创作了一些朴素的城市景观画。 他以丰富多彩和异想天开的方式展示了他喜爱的城市,如特拉维夫、耶路撒冷、巴黎和纽约。 他使街道看起来宽阔整洁,树木花草茂盛,人们看起来快乐多样。 Perez 的天真风格没有透视感,造型简单,色彩鲜艳。 他在大画布上使用丙烯酸树脂,并使用画笔来增加纹理和对比度。 他经常把自己置身于自己的画作中,作为一个画家,看到并描绘出眼前的景象。 他还添加了风筝、气球、旗帜、情侣、家庭和动物等图案来表达欢乐与和谐。 佩雷斯的画作反映了他的个人生活和经历。 他于 1965 年出生在耶路撒冷的一个宗教家庭。 他在 Beer Sheva at schoul of visual[...]
拉斐尔·佩雷斯 (Raphael Perez) 是一位以色列艺术家,他创作了一些朴素的城市景观画。 他以丰富多彩和异想天开的方式展示了他喜爱的城市,如特拉维夫、耶路撒冷、巴黎和纽约。 他使街道看起来宽阔整洁,树木花草茂盛,人们看起来快乐多样。

Perez 的天真风格没有透视感,造型简单,色彩鲜艳。 他在大画布上使用丙烯酸树脂,并使用画笔来增加纹理和对比度。 他经常把自己置身于自己的画作中,作为一个画家,看到并描绘出眼前的景象。 他还添加了风筝、气球、旗帜、情侣、家庭和动物等图案来表达欢乐与和谐。

佩雷斯的画作反映了他的个人生活和经历。 他于 1965 年出生在耶路撒冷的一个宗教家庭。 他在 Beer Sheva at schoul of visual art 学习艺术,出生于耶路撒冷,后来移居特拉维夫,

佩雷斯的画作曾在以色列和国外展出,并得到了评论家和观众的积极反馈。 他的作品原创而耳目一新,为都市生活提供了不同的视角。 他的画不写实、不准确,反而让人怀旧、幻想、乐观。 佩雷斯邀请观众加入他发现和享受城市之美的旅程。


new york naive painting ball
naive art paintings israeli painter Raphael Perez urban landscape artwork primitive pictures outsider artists cityscape Skyscrapers colorful buildings tall towers Tel Aviv city

peintures d'art naïf peintre israélien Raphael Perez oeuvre de paysage urbain images primitives artistes étrangers paysage urbain Gratte-ciel bâtiments colorés hautes tours Ville de Tel Aviv

भोली कला चित्रकारी इज़राइली चित्रकार राफेल पेरेज़ शहरी परिदृश्य कलाकृति आदिम चित्र बाहरी कलाकार सिटीस्केप गगनचुंबी इमारतें रंगीन इमारतें ऊँची मीनारें तेल अवीव शहर

pinturas de arte ingenuo pintor israelí Raphael Perez obra de paisaje urbano imágenes primitivas artistas forasteros paisaje urbano rascacielos edificios coloridos torres altas ciudad de Tel Aviv

dipinti di arte naif pittore israeliano Raphael Perez paesaggio urbano opera d'arte immagini primitive artisti outsider paesaggio urbano grattacieli edifici colorati alte torri città di Tel Aviv

素朴な芸術, 絵画, イスラエル, 画家, ラファエル・ペレス, 都市, 風景, アートワーク, 原始的な写真, 部外者, 芸術家, 都市景観, 超高層ビル, カラフル, 建物, 背の高い塔, テルアビブ市

ציורי אמנות נאיבית צייר ישראלי רפאל פרץ רפי יצירות אמנות נוף אורבני תמונות פרימיטיביות אמנים אאוטסיידר נוף עירוני גורדי שחקים בניינים צבעוניים מגדלים גבוהים תל אביב עיר

لوحات فنية ساذجة للرسام الإسرائيلي رافائيل بيريز أعمال فنية لمناظر حضرية صور بدائية فنانين خارجيين ناطحات سحاب للمباني الملونة أبراج شاهقة مدينة تل أبيب


Pinturas de arte ingênua Pintor israelense Raphael Perez paisagem urbana obra de arte fotos primitivas artistas de fora paisagem urbana Arranha-céus edifícios coloridos torres altas cidade de Tel Aviv

slike naivne umjetnosti izraelski slikar Raphael Perez urbani krajolik umjetničko djelo primitivne slike autsajderski umjetnici gradski pejzaž neboderi šarene zgrade visoki tornjevi grad Tel Aviv

lukisan seni naif pelukis israel Raphael Perez lanskap perkotaan karya seni primitif gambar seniman luar pemandangan kota Pencakar langit bangunan berwarna-warni menara tinggi kota Tel Aviv

наивное искусство картины израильский художник Рафаэль Перес городской пейзаж произведения искусства примитивные картины художники-аутсайдеры городской пейзаж небоскребы красочные здания высокие башни город Тель-Авив

obrazy sztuki naiwnej izraelski malarz Raphael Perez krajobraz miejski grafika prymitywne obrazy outsider artyści pejzaż miejski Drapacze chmur kolorowe budynki wysokie wieże Tel Awiw miasto
, naive, painting, art by,raphael ,perez, raphael perez, naive art, naive paintings, naive painting, naive artwork, naive artworks, naive gallery, naive galleries, tel aviv, landscape , tel aviv painting, tel aviv art ,


New YorkNew York Naive PaintingNew York PaintingNew York ArtNew York Artist

Raphael perez Hebrew name rafi peretz was born into a traditional family and grew up in Jerusalem.  Family biography Raphael Perez father, Shimon Perez, worked as a receptionist at Hadassah Ein Kerem[...]

Raphael perez Hebrew name rafi peretz was born into a traditional family and grew up in Jerusalem.

 Family biography Raphael Perez father, Shimon Perez, worked as a receptionist at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. His great love was art, but as a breadwinner, he could not fulfill his dream of becoming an artist. Raphael’s mother,  Alice Aliza Perez, worked as an assistant to a kindergarten teacher and later took care of a baby at home. She loved gardening and nature, and together with her husband, created a magnificent garden.

Raphael has several siblings. His elder brother David Perez repented in his mid-twenties and brought many people back to repentance. His sister Hana Peretz raised eight children and worked in the field of education. His brother Avi (Abraham) Peretz studied Philosophy and Judaism in Israel before moving to the United States where he completed his master’s degree in education and became a conservative rabbi. His fourth brother is Asher Peretz, who is very fond of traveling and has been to magical places all over the world. Raphael is the fifth sibling and has a twin brother named Miki (Michael) Peretz, who is a talented industrial designer. The youngest sibling is Shlomit Peretz, who has been involved in the Bezeq telephone company for almost three decades.

 Peretz). In the IDF, he served in the Artillery Corps. He worked for 15 years in education in therapeutic settings for children and taught art and movement.
Peretz is a graduate of the Center for Visual Arts in Be'er Sheva, where he studied from 1989-1992. He has been painting since 1989 and since 1999 earns a living only from selling art. Since 1995 he has lived and worked from his studio in Tel Aviv.
Between the ages of 17 and 32, he wrote about forty diaries, sketchbooks and artist books in which he wrote daily and described his thoughts, experiences and feelings and his struggle with his homosexual sexual orientations. He later adorned the diaries with illustrations and drawings. The diaries were presented in a solo exhibition at Camera Obscura and in a group exhibition at the Sommer Gallery.
In his work, starting in 1995, he dealt with relationships, initially with relationships between men and women, in which complex relationships between men and women can be seen. In addition to explicit paintings, he created series of flower paintings, as a metaphor for the relationship between a man and a woman.
At the age of 32 he came out of the closet and began to draw relationships between men. At first, the paintings express hesitation and imperfection, while Peretz does not reveal the faces of the cartoonists. After his first love for a man in 1999 and coming to terms with his sexual orientation, the paintings became peaceful and he presented the homosexual relationship in an ideal way. Peretz has created a series of naive paintings that deal with loving relationships between men and common daily activities in the home environment. Over the years he painted his mates.

Raphael Perezからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 59.1x78.7 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 70.9x70.9 in

