child drawing ARTIST BOOK ISRAELI MODERN CONTEMPORARY ART (2022) Disegno da Raphael Perez

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Venduto da Raphael Perez

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187,30 USD
Risoluzione massima: 2048 x 1079 px
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Venduto da Raphael Perez

Artist Books by Raphael Perez The Influence of Children’s Paintings on an Adult artist These are sketch books that contain drawings, paintings, collages, and writings that reflect his artistic process and inspiration. He uses these books as a way of exploring his spontaneity as a mature artist, his desire to return to being innocent[...]
Artist Books by Raphael Perez The Influence of Children’s Paintings on an Adult artist

These are sketch books that contain drawings, paintings, collages, and writings that reflect his artistic process and inspiration. He uses these books as a way of exploring his spontaneity as a mature artist, his desire to return to being innocent like children, and his connection to his inner child. In these artist books, Perez draws inspiration from the works of children, especially his own childhood drawings.

He admires the freedom, imagination, and joy that children express in their art. He tries to emulate their style and approach by using simple lines, shapes, and colors. He also incorporates elements from children’s art such as animals, flowers, stars, suns, houses, and people.

He admires the freedom, imagination, and joy that children express in their art. He tries to emulate their style and approach by using simple lines, shapes, and colors. He also incorporates elements from children’s art such as animals, flowers, stars, suns, houses, and people.

He mixes these elements with his own personal symbols and themes, urban landscapes, religious icons, and abstract forms Perez’s artist books are not only a visual expression of his artistic journey, but also a philosophical and psychological exploration of his identity and emotions.

He uses these books as a way of communicating with himself and others. He writes about his thoughts, feelings, experiences, and dreams. He also writes about his artistic influences, challenges, and goals.

He questions his role as an artist and a human being. He reflects on his spirituality, and culture. He expresses his hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows. Perez’s artist books are a testimony of his artistic evolution and experimentation.

They show how he has developed his own unique style and voice by combining elements from different sources and genres. They also show how he has used art as a tool for self-discovery and self-expression. They reveal his inner world and invite the viewer to share it with him. Perez’s artist books are an example of how an adult artist can learn from children

my studio with the artbooks on the table

I done more that 40 unique artist books in all size

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IsraelIsraeliIsraeli ArtIsraeli ArtistIsraeli Artists

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raphael perez pintings raffigurato intimo rapporto tra due persone se l'uomo e la donna, due donne e due uomini. L'intero concetto di un rapporto e sentimenti tra due persone è portato alla luce.[...]

raphael perez pintings raffigurato intimo rapporto tra due persone se l'uomo e la donna, due donne e due uomini. L'intero concetto di un rapporto e sentimenti tra due persone è portato alla luce. In ogni dipinto vi è un evidente contrasto tra ombra e luce. Il colore rosso è fondamentale per i suoi quadri e costantemente simboleggia la mascolinità, la passione e la posizione dominante. All'interno di ogni galleria, si può trovare un breve paragrafo di informazioni in merito a tale particolare galleria.

raphael perez creazioni affrontare il tema dell'omosessualità. Egli pone un forte accento sulle persone dello stesso sesso famiglie, orgoglio sfilate, soldati, dando nascita di sesso maschile, ritratti, nudi maschili, così come di sesso maschile, femminile e coppie eterosessuali. I suoi quadri messi a prova i confini tra erotismo e l'arte, mentre caratterizza i rapporti omosessuali e di amore come sono espressi nella vita di ogni giorno.

raphael Perez utilizza due stili di primaria nei suoi dipinti; realistico dipinti in cui il rosso è il colore dominante e lo stile ingenuo, che è stato influenzato dal suo anno di lavoro con i bambini.

Arte, artista, artisti, pittura, dipinti, galleria,
gallerie, realismo, acrilico, affari, i giovani, corpo,
uomo, uomini, donne, donne, maschio, femmina, nudo, disegni,
disegno, figura, figurativo, paesaggi, abstract,
matura, ritratti, collezionisti, la raccolta, l'amore,
gay, omo, omosessuale, erotico, lesbiche, orgoglio, parata, il sesso, libero, Directory, Fotografi, ricerca, motore, home page, Incontri, lesbiche, la letteratura, le imprese, premi, webring, adulto, porno, porno, e, striscioni,
scambio, per, libero, artista, galleria, aggiungere, banner, presentare, suggerire

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