Pygoya 个人资料图片


返回列表 2002年7月29日新增

Rodney Chang, better known as the Internet's Pygoya, Cyberartist, was the first digital artist to exhibit in Honolulu, back in 1985. Since then he has exhibited around the world, including Paris, New York City, the U.S.S.R., Germany, England, India and Japan. His 1988 solo show at Shangahi Art Museum was China's historic first computer art exhibition.

Currently the artist is curator for his online virtual reality Truly Virtual Web Art Museum, webmaster for Las Vegas Art Musuem Web site and recently organized India's first ever international digital art exhibition (1999).

In the 1980's Dr. Rodney Chang gained national notoriety as NBC's Real People Show's "Disco Doc" - filmed dancing in his Honolulu dental clinic's discotheque reception area, complete with staff DJ.

The artist is also recognized in Who's Who in America and Ripley's Believe It or Not! for earning 10 college degrees, including 5 masters and 2 doctorates. The artist studied mostly in Chicago and holds a Masters in Painting/Studio Arts and a Ph.D in Aesthetic Psychology.

