The soul is crying. Oil painting Original Hand Painted (2021) 绘画 由 Prosto Nastasya

油在亚麻帆布上, 39.4x23.6 in

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美术纸, 12x7 in


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The soul is crying" 40*24 inch 100*60 cm Oil on stretched canvas, 2021 Big painting The painting is unique and one of a kind. There is no other such one. Fully thought out and drawn by me, the plot, the brush strokes, the texture of the oil, the tears seem to be alive. Have you ever had a soul cry? Do you not[...]
The soul is crying"
40*24 inch 100*60 cm
Oil on stretched canvas, 2021
Big painting
The painting is unique and one of a kind. There is no other such one. Fully thought out and drawn by me, the plot, the brush strokes, the texture of the oil, the tears seem to be alive.

Have you ever had a soul cry? Do you not understand what it is?
This is when the soul is torn to pieces and in the physical plane you can not shed tears, but you can cry sobbingly, but there is no sense. This is hopelessness, this is when there is no turning back.
Only those who have lost loved ones who have gone to another world will understand ...
In my store you can find portraits of other celebrities, as well as fantasy paintings, fantasy landscapes. I can also paint to order a picture or a portrait. Write messages I am happy to answer questions and ready for dialogue.
The painting depicts a girl with big blue bottomless eyes full of tears that flow down her cheeks and as if they cannot be stopped by a fountain, pain and sadness in her soul. Longing for a loved one. There are constant thoughts about the tragedy in my head. Misli about death are depicted as two wolves in the clouds. One wolf is bleeding, the other is looking sad and unable to help. The whole picture is filled with pain in the heart and the cry of the soul
I always stretch the canvases myself and ground them qualitatively. I will choose a high-quality linen canvas. The painting will come to you in a roll with a composite stretcher, which will protect the painting from damage during transportation


Blue Eyes PaintingEyes Full Of Tears ArtEyes TearsTragedy PaintingThoughts Of Death Painting

Hello!! I am Anastasiya or Prosto Nastasya, Just Nastasya An artist-blogger and a single mother with many children. I paint with my heart, I study and I want the world to know about me.In my store you[...]

Hello!! I am Anastasiya or Prosto Nastasya, Just Nastasya

An artist-blogger and a single mother with many children. I paint with my heart, I study and I want the world to know about me.In my store you can find portraits of celebrities, fantasy paintings and landscapes, I love bright, rich colors. I am open to dialogue. You can order a portrait or painting to order or ask a question in the message. You can also watch 

Education Higher philological 


Events In the city of Tomsk. The theme of the exhibition: "Oh! Consciousness!"
Exhibition about life and death, about the meaning of life, about the unconscious, about a fairy tale in our life. Now I am creating a series of works on the topic: Pandemic.Modern life". There is an exhibition in Zurich Artbox Project 2 my work was included in the selection of the best works on Artsy/

2013 championship in hairdressing of the Tomsk region. 1st place in the nomination author's painting
2014 championship in hairdressing of the Tomsk region. 1st place in the nomination author's painting
2014 Championship of the Novosibirsk region, 1st place
2014 Russian semi-final championship. , 1,2,3 seats
2015 championship in hairdressing of the Tomsk region. 1st place in the nomination author's painting
2015 Championship of the Novosibirsk region, 1st place
2015 Russian semi-final championship. , 1,2,3 seats
2021 yeаr city of tomsk, house of arts. exhibition theme Oh! consciousnes
2021 year City of Asino museum of culture, Personal exhibition Oh!Consciousnes
2021. Participation in the competition of innovative art at the Garage Museum, Moscow
2021 November "Open Studio" from the Winery Moscow
2022 yer Zurich Artbox Project/

查看更多的Prosto Nastasya

油在木上 | 9.8x15.8 in
油在帆布上 | 23.6x27.6 in
油在帆布上 | 38.6x26.8 in
油在帆布上 | 23.6x39.4 in

