Holiday (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Lusie Schellenberg


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Sprzedawca Lusie Schellenberg

Papier artystyczny, 8x11 in

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33,38 USD
Usage: Licencja sieciowa
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  1082 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1082x1500
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Wszystkie obrazy na Artmajeur są oryginalnymi dziełami sztuki stworzonymi przez artystów, wszystkie prawa są ściśle zastrzeżone. Uzyskanie licencji daje prawo do wykorzystania lub wykorzystania obrazu na warunkach licencji. Możliwe są drobne modyfikacje, takie jak zmiana wymiarów lub ostrości obrazu tak, żeby obraz optymalnie wpasował się do danego projektu, jednak zabronione jest dokonywanie jakichkolwiek modyfikacji, które mogłyby zaszkodzić oryginalnej pracy - zwłaszcza jej integralności (niedopuszczalne są zmiany kształtów, zniekształcenia, odcinanie części pracy, zniekształcanie, zmiana kolorów, dodawanie elementów itd.). Radykalne zmiany obrazu są możliwe jedynie po otrzymaniu pisemnej zgody artysty.

Licencje niestandardowe

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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Olej na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 19,7in, Szerokość 27,6in
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Impresjonizm Łódź
My work here is a single copy and original handwork. It is made on special high quality 100 % cotton canvas, stretcher stable pine wood. 1,5 cm blau edge-great for versatile framing, gloss finish. I am very careful about my work. Starting from canvas, paints, work techniques, and finishing with varnish. This painting is varnished for cold tones. Along[...]
My work here is a single copy and original handwork. It is made on special high quality 100 % cotton canvas, stretcher stable pine wood. 1,5 cm blau edge-great for versatile framing, gloss finish. I am very careful about my work. Starting from canvas, paints, work techniques, and finishing with varnish. This painting is varnished for cold tones. Along with the Artwork, will be shipped the certificate of authenticity. Signes on the back.
This Artwork is hand signed and dated on the back. The painting is painted in oil, in 3 stages. I write in such a way that the picture will remain in good shape even after a century. It's a long process but the quality is above all.

This oil painting is part of a beautiful corner where people spend their holidays. In relaxation and pleasure. When winter is around, you always want a piece of the turquoise sea, warm sun, serenity and relaxation. the painting was painted in winter-and i wanted to bring a piece of summer to my studio and your house.

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
« In my works, I want to capture the beauty, being, and meaning of all things in any of their manifestations. » Lusie Schellenberg is an award-winning professional artist based in Switzerland, whose paintings[...]

« In my works, I want to capture the beauty, being, and meaning of all things in any of their manifestations. »

Lusie Schellenberg is an award-winning professional artist based in Switzerland, whose paintings have been exhibited nationally, as well as in Germany, France,Austria, USA, Spain, Italy , Netherlands , Russia etc. The main genres of painting are seascapes, urban landscapes, people and still lifes. The author works mainly in the technique of multi-layered oil painting, observing the historically established technologies of writing, which contributes to the long-term preservation of the original quality of the painting layer. The same traditional approach to painting has been transferred to works with a modern sound. She uses various techniques, such as multi-layered painting, realism, expressionism, modern impressionism in combination with a palette knife, author’s technique.. Her characteristic landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, still lifes and figurative works are created in oil and acrylic on canvas.In his works, the author does not resort to limited stylistics: they can be structured on the verge of abstraction or acquire genre coloring, turning into stories from life. She describes her artistic expression as a reflection of reality as it really is. With her art, Lusie Schellenberg strives to «preserve the pristine beauty of existence”»
Her works were presented at the MAMAG Museum of Modern Art and in the Louvre. She is one of the few artists who have been published in TATLER UK magazine, House & Garden Magazine UK, Spotlight contemporaryart magazine.

Zobacz więcej od Lusie Schellenberg

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Akryl na Płótno | 19,7x15,8 in
1 169 USD
Olej na Płótno | 23,6x19,7 in
2 257,42 USD
Olej na Płótno | 23,6x23,6 in
1 598,02 USD
Olej na Płótno | 19,7x19,7 in
2 108,74 USD


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