Lovebirds (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Anna Chekushkina

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Sprzedawca Anna Chekushkina

Papier artystyczny, 8x8 in

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25,94 USD
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  1495 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1495x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Olej / Akryl na Drewno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 15,8in, Szerokość 15,8in
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 500 USD Figuratywna Ptak
Lovebirds are characterized by strong mutual affection between the male and the female. ... The remarkable affection of partners to each other is reflected in the scientific name of these parrots - Agapornis (from the Greek agapein - to love and ornis - bird). There is a legend among people that lovebirds choose a couple for themselves once and[...]
Lovebirds are characterized by strong mutual affection between the male and the female. ... The remarkable affection of partners to each other is reflected in the scientific name of these parrots - Agapornis (from the Greek agapein - to love and ornis - bird).
There is a legend among people that lovebirds choose a couple for themselves once and for life, and if one of them dies, the other will die of separation. In this regard, they called them lovebirds. These parrots are really inseparable, true to each other.

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Anna has been in art since childhood. Mother brought her to art school, then there was an art school and finally - the Academy of Arts. Already from childhood, studying at an art school, Anya participated[...]

Anna has been in art since childhood. Mother brought her to art school, then there was an art school and finally - the Academy of Arts.
Already from childhood, studying at an art school, Anya participated in exhibitions. Over time, at the school, and then at the Academy, skill grew and the level of exhibitions in which Anna participated increased. Her work has become in demand not only in Russia, but also outside the country. The geography of exhibitions has expanded: Japan, China, South Korea. The artist's works are in private collections in the USA, Russia, South Korea, China.
Anna for a long time was engaged in painting the walls with acrylic in the interiors (more than 14 years). This type of painting was dominated by detailing, realism of plots.
In 2010, the artist moved to live in St. Petersburg.
A new stage in the work of Anna began, new facets and directions in painting are revealed.
Recently, the artist's paintings show a more expressive performance technique. Color gamut from monochrome to bright tones. Anna works with new forms, sometimes moving away from realism. A lyrical note appears in the paintings.
Anna has her own school of painting, for 8 years she has been teaching adults and children.
Favorite phrase of the artist: "I believe that the artist is not born, the artist becomes!"

Zobacz więcej od Anna Chekushkina

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