Mosaic panel "Pomegranate tree" (2019) 彫刻 Tatiana Fololeeva によって

モザイク, 15.8x15.8 in
プライス: 送料無料
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Tatiana Fololeeva が販売



最大解像度: 3418 x 3390 px

Tatiana Fololeeva が販売

This is a copy of a fragment of the mosaic floor known as the "Bird Mosaic". The mosaic was discovered by chance in 1955 on the outskirts of Caesarea in Israel, behind the walls of an ancient settlement. During excavations in 2005, archaeologists determined that the 'Bird Mosaic' was part of a Byzantine palace complex[...]
This is a copy of a fragment of the mosaic floor known as the "Bird Mosaic".
The mosaic was discovered by chance in 1955 on the outskirts of Caesarea in Israel, behind the walls of an ancient settlement.
During excavations in 2005, archaeologists determined that the 'Bird Mosaic' was part of a Byzantine palace complex dating back to the 6th century A.D. This palace complex, covering almost 4000 square metres, probably belonged to a respected and wealthy family. "Bird mosaics" decorated the floor of the large open courtyard, the atrium, with a portico on the west and south sides.
The wide border of the mosaic depicts wild and tame animals separated by fruit trees, one of which you see in this mosaic.


MosaicMosaic ArtMosaic ArtworkMosaic PanelRoman Mosaic

I was born and growed  in Siberia, but for the past 25 years I am living in St. Petersburg. Perhaps the city, itself is a piece of   masterpiece , led me to creativity after many years of work, first[...]

I was born and growed  in Siberia, but for the past 25 years I am living in St. Petersburg.

Perhaps the city, itself is a piece of   masterpiece , led me to creativity after many years of work,

first as a doctor, then as a lawyer).

A mosaic, that started as a hobby, has grown into a profession that brings joy.

Mosaic creation requires patience, persistence and a calm, almost meditative state of the artist. This is

especially true when working with natural stone, which lives its own life, has its own character and aura.

It is an amazing and inspiring activity to break the whole into pieces first and then reassemble the whole

from the pieces. This is extremely slow work, because each piece must take its own place, intended only for it.

Each mosaic canvas is a unique piece of art, just as each element, hand-knocked out by hand, is unique,be it stone, glass or smalt.:

Tatiana Fololeevaからもっと見る

モザイク | 19.7x19.7 in
モザイク | 13.8x13.8 in
モザイク | 24.8x20.5 in
モザイク | 31.5x31.5 in

