LES FLEURS (2024) Arte digitale da Philippe Ceulemans

Arte digitale, 55,1x39,4 in
1.984,35 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita
Recensioni dei clienti (1)
Spedito da: Belgio (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 1 settimana
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
Spedizioni in tutto il mondo
Transazione sicura al 100%
Resi gratuiti
Spedito dal venditore: La spedizione di quest'opera d'arte è gestita direttamente dal venditore. Dogana non inclusa.
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  • Scadenza La maggior parte dei pacchi viene consegnata in tutto il mondo entro 1-3 settimane (Stima)
  • Dogana non inclusa Il prezzo non include le tasse doganali. La maggior parte dei paesi non ha tasse di importazione per le opere d'arte originali, ma potresti dover pagare l'IVA ridotta. Le tasse doganali (se presenti) devono essere calcolate all'arrivo dall'ufficio doganale e saranno fatturate separatamente dal vettore.
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Transazione sicura al 100%, Metodi di pagamento accettati: Carta di credito, PayPal, Bonifico bancario.
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Pagamento sicuro al 100% con certificato SSL + 3D Secure.
Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
"Les Fleurs" invites you to witness the harmonious convergence of technology and artistry, where the digital medium becomes a vessel for preserving the authenticity of the original creation. Dive into the intricate details, where the interplay of light and shadow pays homage to Ceulemans' mastery, capturing the very spirit that inspired[...]
"Les Fleurs" invites you to witness the harmonious convergence of technology and artistry, where the digital medium becomes a vessel for preserving the authenticity of the original creation. Dive into the intricate details, where the interplay of light and shadow pays homage to Ceulemans' mastery, capturing the very spirit that inspired the initial brush to canvas.

In this digital rendition, the delicate balance of nature and art coalesce, offering a unique visual journey that transcends the boundaries of time and medium. "Les Fleurs" not only preserves the legacy of the original but also invites you to explore a nuanced realm where innovation meets tradition, and the artistry of the past intertwines seamlessly with the possibilities of the digital future.

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"Art and color emanate a vibrant energy that stirs deep emotions, connecting intimately with the human experience. Our imaginations are the very essence of our existence, defining who we are!" Hailing[...]

"Art and color emanate a vibrant energy that stirs deep emotions, connecting intimately with the human experience. Our imaginations are the very essence of our existence, defining who we are!"

Hailing from the enchanting town of Turnhout, Belgium, I was nurtured amidst a profound reverence for the exquisite splendor and untainted purity of nature. I find solace in immersing myself in the myriad hues and intricate details that surround us, capturing them in my mind's eye and sharing their profound impact with others. Each stroke of my brush reflects the radiant expression nature exudes.

Discovering these captivating forms and vibrant colors, I translate them onto canvas with a profound connection to my soul. The ultimate fulfillment lies in bestowing the same joy upon others that I experience within myself. Thus, the circle is whole and complete—a tranquil unity with nature, embracing its kaleidoscope of colors and boundless beauty.

Indeed, happiness is within reach, effortlessly attainable for those willing to open their eyes to its presence.

Philippe Ceulemans

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