Armageddon (2003) 絵画 Paul Scott によって

キャンバスの水彩画, 11.8x7.9 in
プライス: 送料無料
Paul Scott が販売
発送元: フランス (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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最大解像度: 3232 x 4816 px

Paul Scott が販売

Armageddon was a place in the Middle East, probably originally called Har Magedon by the ignorant natives who hadn't learnt to speak properly, nor spell. Anyway, I put it here, on my map / mother where, as you can see, the river, known by many names but always the same, runs down into the sea, a bit like the Nile into the Mediterranean, but not[...]
Armageddon was a place in the Middle East, probably originally called Har Magedon by the ignorant natives who hadn't learnt to speak properly, nor spell. Anyway, I put it here, on my map / mother where, as you can see, the river, known by many names but always the same, runs down into the sea, a bit like the Nile into the Mediterranean, but not so long. The fish only exists in your imagination and neither represents the covenant of the oracle of the ark, nor the five plagues, nor Christ crucified. Nor does it represent the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, nor the Witches of Salem, nor waking up with a hangover. Shalom aleichem.


ArmageddonLast DaysComing Of ChristJudgementTime Is Up

I studied at Northampton Grammar School, then at Sheffield University and later at Bolton Institute of Technology. I would tell you about the paternoster in the Sheffield University Arts Tower, but it would[...]

I studied at Northampton Grammar School, then at Sheffield University and later at Bolton Institute of Technology. I would tell you about the paternoster in the Sheffield University Arts Tower, but it would probably be too much of a digression. I then worked at Stokes' Paint Factory (where I mixed paint) and subsequently in what was called at the time a lunatic asylum (where I looked after the lunatics), a venerable institution situated in Northampton founded in 1838 with its own nine-hole golf course and church designed by the celebrated architect Gilbert Scott, where I assisted, among other things, with their programme of electro-shock therapy. I was subsequently employed in all sorts of businesses and institutions too numerous to mention here. This dabbling in just about everything had the effect of giving me a reasonable grounding in what it means to be a human being, and, to a lesser extent, a grounding in the aesthetics of everyday life. Whatever that is. 

During this period, I represented four living artists for some time in the Northampton area. That was hard, but my long association with these four artists taught me much about art and art appreciation.

 I subsequently bought and sold eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth-century art. That was easier, but still not easy to make enough money to live on. 

During this whole time, I continued to draw, paint, and photograph what was around me.

I hope my feelings come through in what I do, and that my art expresses something of the wonder and strangeness of life.

I have lived in Estaing, Aveyron since 2008, and married a French woman (my second marriage) in 2017. We have two cats.

Paul Scottからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 11.8x7.9 in
MDFボードのアクリル | 38.2x24 in
MDFボードのアクリル | 15.8x22.4 in
段ボールの水彩画 | 17.7x9.8 in

