Série "A deux mains" 10 絵画 O.M.A. によって


販売者 O.M.A.

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, 紙の 鉛筆
  • 寸法 寸法はご要望に応じてご利用いただけます
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 実例 SF
Three or four colliers alongside were pouring their cargoes of coal into her port-holes. Beside the 'Great Eastern,' these three-mast ships looked like barges; their chimneys did not even reach the first line of light-ports in her hull; the yards of their gallant-sails did not come up to her bulwarks. The giant could have hoisted these ships[...]
Three or four colliers alongside were pouring their cargoes of coal into her port-holes. Beside the 'Great Eastern,' these three-mast ships looked like barges; their chimneys did not even reach the first line of light-ports in her hull; the yards of their gallant-sails did not come up to her bulwarks. The giant could have hoisted these ships on its davits like shore-boats.

At the bows was an engine of sixty-six horse-power. In order to raise the anchors it was only necessary to send the steam from the boilers into its cylinders to obtain immediately a considerable power, which could be directly applied to the windlass on which the chains were fastened. This was done; but powerful as it was, this engine was found insuflficient, and fifty of the crew were set to turn the capstan with bars, thus the anchors were gradually drawn in, but it was slow work.


OmaO.m.a.Organisme Maternel AnonymeRussiePoutine

Artiste en tout genre conçu au siècle dernier pour déjouer apparences et pronostics, qui s'en remet usuellement au verdict de l'oiseau de Prévert: "Si l’oiseau ne chante pas C’est mauvais[...]

Artiste en tout genre conçu au siècle dernier pour déjouer apparences et pronostics, qui s'en remet usuellement au verdict de l'oiseau de Prévert:

"Si l’oiseau ne chante pas
C’est mauvais signe
Signe que le tableau est mauvais
Mais s’il chante c’est bon signe
Signe que vous pouvez signer
Alors vous arrachez tout doucement
Une des plumes de l’oiseau
Et vous écrivez votre nom dans un coin du tableau"

Selon l'avis général et particulier, il s'agit d'art (au choix - plusieurs réponses possibles) :
A/ Absurde
B/ Authentique
C/ Brut (précisez: C1/ Abruti C2/ Brutal)
D/ Drôle (précisez: D1/ Comique D2/ Bizarre)
E/ Engagé
F/ Expressif
G/ Inédit
H/ Poétique
I/ Vivant
J/...(e ne me prononce pas)

(Enfant de la Commune de Paris et du Conseil national de la Résistance, Xénophile)

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