"around 01:00" (2024) 絵画 Олена Колєснік によって

紙の水彩画, 16.1x12.2 in
プライス: 送料無料
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, 紙の 水彩画
  • 寸法 高さ 16.1in, 幅 12.2in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $1,000未満 抽象芸術 幾何学的な
This artwork is part of the series "Attack". Changes in the society where the hero of the painting lives are reflected in the abstraction of the background with red, blue, gray,earthy colors. The circle is filled with spots that resemble the spiral of a snail, a vortex of inner experiences and emotions. The hero's silhouette[...]
This artwork is part of the series "Attack".

Changes in the society where the hero of the painting lives are reflected in the abstraction of the background with red, blue, gray,earthy colors. The circle is filled with spots that resemble the spiral of a snail, a vortex of inner experiences and emotions. The hero's silhouette is red, blurred, in motion, and the leg continues like a needle. A thin line from his leg is the hero's shadow, which disappears into the outside world behind a bubble in the form of a spot. There is a struggle with the shadow, from which you are only injured.

The image of the circle is multifaceted in the project "Solomon's Paradox". The bubble is a metaphor for one person's worldview limited by beliefs, experience, and heredity. Gray-blue spots of a spiral in a circle indicate excitement, clouding of the mind from emotions. The bubble is deformed by the sharp attacks of the personality on changes in the environment. Outside her imagination, the world is happening, there is life that provokes changes, but the hero cannot accept the context in which he lives.

Instead of being aware of the changes, the individual in the circle resists. Attacks, defending his point of view, rejecting the possibility of change. Having collected all 6 pictures together, the hero will move clockwise. A circle within a circle, so to speak. The intensity of the hero's attacks, as a reaction to changes, is reduced by the loss of energy from the senselessness of actions. The stretching of its inner bubble towards the end of the rotation is less noticeable. In these pictures, I reflect on the feasibility of resistance to external changes. Suffering and pain are as much a hero's choice as prosperity and happiness. As long as this choice is not noticed, the attack continues.

I create dark colors like the impressionists without using black paint. It is a mixture of all the colors you see in the picture. But the expressionist way of working is fast, chaotic movements driven by emotions. In my life and in painting, I am the embodiment of opposites that come together. This adds mystery to the pictures, interesting shapes that decorate the modern interior. Through the "Attack" series of artworks, the owners of the house boldly broadcast their individuality. Such drawings encourage dialogues with friends and relatives, intellectual discussions about their meaning.

"Solomon's Paradox" is the general name of one story in three acts - a cycle of paintings. The series of artworks are called "Escape", "Attack", "Stupor". Paintings of the brain's automatic “fight-run-freeze” emergency responses that have infiltrated everyday life, mine and maybe yours... I was inspired to research from my condition at the beginning of the war, the influence of automatic responses on everyday things was growing day after day. This is my way of turning the everyday threat of missile fire into a field of study. I wanted to change my life based on the automaticity that was activated in the brain due to background anxiety. The paintings from the project "Solomon's Paradox" were created in the process of psychoanalysis and are intended to remind that every person, regardless of external circumstances, is the creator of his own path.

Signature, certificate of Authenticity is included Unframed

The artwork is on 100 % cotton Arches, France archival quality 300 g/ m² watercolour paper, using the world`s finest watercolour paints.

I send paintings by DHL international delivery, they will arrive anywhere in the world in 10 days.

I pack the paintings in strong boxes or tubes (depending on the size of the painting) and additionally protect them from moisture with a waterproof film.

If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to write them to me, I will be happy to answer you.

Thank you for visiting my store. Buy a piece of art that your heart chooses. With regards artist Olena Koliesnik.


NewartConceptualMinimalistWatercolor OriginalFor You

Hello art connoisseur. I am Olena, a self-taught artist. I have the qualification of Master of Pharmacy. I have been fond of creativity since childhood, that is why I gathered the courage to follow my dream[...]

Hello art connoisseur. I am Olena, a self-taught artist. I have the qualification of Master of Pharmacy. I have been fond of creativity since childhood, that is why I gathered the courage to follow my dream and resigned from the position of manager of a pharmacy. She devoted herself only to art, not as a hobby, but as a life's work.

The beginning of the professional path coincided with the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine. It shocked me, but I did not give up on the challenge, because my art has a mission. It is about the fact that I seek to develop a collective consciousness through visual images in paintings. Imagine how the world will change when every inhabitant of the planet lives consciously. There will be no wars, violence, slaves to one's fears and destructive behavior. With the help of my paintings and exhibitions, I study a person through the prism of rationalism and spirituality. Conditions of personality formation, archetypal manifestations, values and other topics subject to psychoanalysis. In the process of developing ideas, I use knowledge from coaching, psychology and Vedic astrology. The approach is to reflexively dive into the transformation. I look for ways to succinctly express the complex dialogues of the subconscious in order to realize my mission.

I use watercolor, a material that is able to create subtle transitions that resemble the border between reality and cognitive perception. The paintings change from preserving precious moments of conscious presence, which I record in the stories of urban landscapes, nature, to a deep immersion in the processes of the psyche. I'm talking about paintings as sources of energy. Subtle matter that is perceived at the level of sensations.

Since 2022, I have been an active participant in more than 20 exhibitions of various formats, an international open-air exhibition in Gdańsk, Poland, one of the winners of the AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2022, the organizer, curator and participant of the first all-Ukrainian exhibition of watercolors in the city of Ternopil in the Ternopil Regional Art Museum, which highlighted the socio-cultural problem: personal boundaries and the development of recognition of watercolor art in Ukraine.

The paintings are in the open collection: NFT-art, Meta Museum of War, Kyiv, Ukraine Closed collection: Ternopil Regional Art Museum, Ternopil, Ukraine Private collections of Canada, Ukraine, Poland, USA, Spain.

I am a Ukrainian artist currently living in Spain.

Thank you for visiting my store. Choose the paintings that I created for my home to emphasize your individuality, the value of self-knowledge and aesthetically fill the space.

Sincerely, your artist Olena Koliesnik.

Олена Колєснікからもっと見る

紙の水彩画 | 12.6x17.1 in
紙の水彩画 | 16.1x12.2 in
紙の絵画 | 12.1x10.1 in
紙の水彩画 | 11.8x15.8 in

