Open air (2021) Pittura da Nesaart

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Venduto da Nesaart

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32,17 USD
128,70 USD
267,63 USD
Risoluzione massima: 800 x 800 px
Scarica subito dopo l'acquisto
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Venduto da Nesaart

  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acrilico su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 24in, Larghezza 24in
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Acrilico Dipingi usando pigmenti tradizionali mescolati con resine sintetiche. [...]
My paintings are created by building up thin layers and glazes. I am greatly interested in a treatment of textural surfaces combined with glazing techniques that brings rich texture and vibrant colors to my[...]

My paintings are created by building up thin layers and glazes. I am greatly interested in a treatment of textural surfaces combined with glazing techniques that brings rich texture and vibrant colors to my work.
My work can best be described as contemporary abstract landscape and cityscape painting with extended treatment of textural surfaces. The bold colors and deep texture in underlayers are used to express nature of urban and natural world.

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Olio | 36x24 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 22x28 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 24x48 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 24x24 in
Non in vendita


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